- Any one of the so-called P5 can paralyse the world body. 任何一个所谓的五大常任理事国都能瘫痪这个世界组织。
- He pointed to the world body as the natural choice for creating such a system. 他指出世界各地建立这样的体系是自然选择。
- The world body has showed its strengths and weaknesses in the past 60 years. 这个世界的人们在过去的60年里显示了它的强大和软弱。
- Ten years ago, the world body began a project to study TB drug resistance around the globe. 十年前,该世界性组织就发起了一项在全球范围内研制抵抗肺结核药物的计划案。
- It is the highest and largest world body representing the travel industry. UFTAA represents 114 National Associations. UFTAA是全世界旅游行业中最具代表性的组织,代表114个国家旅游协会。
- China has paid its dues to the UN in time, one of China's representatives to the world body has said. 一位中国驻联合国代表说,中国已经按时交纳了联合国的会费。
- But the Vatican's longing for a stronger UN goes back to 2003, when it was shocked by the world body's inability to stop the Iraq war. 然而梵蒂冈对一个更强的联合国的期待可以追溯到2003年,那时它为世界组织不能阻止伊拉克战争的发生而感到震惊。
- The fact that the UN, in principle, retains the right to impose its will by force may have made it easier for the world body to broker a settlement. 可事实是联合国原则上保留着依靠武力强制完成其意愿的权力使世界大家庭更容易促成这项解决方案。
- This Outcome Document is a programmatic plan providing guidelines and orientation for the future work and development of the world body. 这是指导联合国今后工作和发展方向的纲领性文件。
- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan says the world body will not pull out of Iraq, despite an attack on its headquarters in Baghdad. 联合国秘书长安南说,世界组织并不会离开伊拉克,尽管出现了针对联合国设在巴格达办事处的袭击。
- She also cited food security and the empowerment of, and prevention of violence against, women as key American aims within the world body. 克林顿国务卿说,防止扩散和裁减,并最终实现完全消除核武器是美国在联合国工作的重点。
- De Mello is now in Cairo. He talked with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher on the world body's role in rebuilding Iraq. 目前,德梅隆正在开罗访问。他和埃及外长马希尔谈论了关于世界各国在伊拉克重建问题上,应该担当什么角色的问题。
- If they seize the chance they may be able to breathe fresh vitality into the world body and restore some of the high hopes of its founding charter. 如果各大国能抓住这样的机遇,就有望给联合国注入新的活力,让人们重拾旧梦,实现联合国宪章中的一些美好愿望。
- The Hong Kong Cricket Sixes has been given another boost with star attraction Shivnarine Chanderpaul being named Cricketer of the Year by the sport’s world body. 即将来港参加香港六人板球赛的陈德宝,获国际板球理事会选为今年最佳板球手。
- Washington says it will only pay its dues to the United Nations if the world body refrains from attacking the U.S. And meets a laundry list of other demands. 华盛顿表示,要想让它交纳会费,联合国就得停止攻击它,还得满足它提出的一长串杂七杂八的其他要求。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has made curbing the effects of global climate change one of his top priorities. Now, he says, the world body must lead by example. 联合国秘书长潘基文把遏制全球气候变化作为他现在最优先考虑的事项之一。他说,这个世界机构必须以身作则。
- U.S.President Barack Obama and other top U.S. political figures will be at the world body this month to highlight issues of importance to the United States. 美国总统奥巴马等重要政界人士将前往纽约,就一系列对美国来说至关重要的问题发表讲话。
- He says the world body is under-appreciated in the United States, and he cites a poll in which two-thirds of Americans said they believe the United Nations is doing a poor job. 他表示这个世界联合机构的价值在美国受到低估,并引证了一项民调的结果,即三分之二的美国人认为联合国没有尽职。
- President Chen Shui-bian will hold a teleconference with the United Nations Correspondents Association next Wednesday to highlight Taiwan's bid to join the world body. 陈水扁总统将于下周三和联合国记者协会举行越洋视讯会议,这是我国今年企图重返联合国的重头戏。