- The result shows that ultrasonic abrasive at the best combination can improve workpiece surface quality,realize precision and ultraprecision machining on t... 研究表明,基于超声波研磨加工在最佳组合条件下能够有效提高工件表面质量,实现精密超精密加工。
- Grinding experiment shows that the wear resistance, grinding efficiency and workpiece surface quality of Polyimide resinoid bond diamond wheel are superior to those of phenolic resinoid diamond wheel. 磨削试验结果表明:该树脂粉制作的金刚石砂轮其耐磨性、磨削效率和所加工工件的表面质量明显优于酚醛树脂金刚石砂轮。
- workpiece surface quality 工件表面质量
- The quality of the workpiece surface is subject to the side displacement of the saw blade to some large extent. 锯条的侧向位移在很大程度上决定了加工表面的质量,侧向位移过大工件表面质量得不到保证。
- The quality of the workpiece surface is subject to the matching relation between the feed speed and the sawing speed to some large extent. 框锯机锯切工件表面加工质量在很大程度上取决于进给速度和锯切速度的匹配关系。
- It was found that the workpiece can obtain better surface quality ground by the wheels trued at speed ratio 0.4. 研究发现,修整速比为0.;4时修整出来的砂轮磨削后工件表面质量较好。
- By means of drill grinding and selection of suitable cutting parameters, the serviceability of drill and surface quality of workpiece are improved. 通过对钻头进行修磨,选择适当的切削参数,可以提高钻头的耐用度和工件的表面质量。
- The surface roughness of CVD diamond thin film coated tools and cutting parameters are key factors to influence the surface quality of workpiece. CVD金刚石薄膜刀具的表面粗糙度及加工过程中的切削用量是影响加工工件表面质量的关键因素。
- The cutting force and machined surface quality during high speed milling a typical Al alloy C shape workpiece are experimental investigated. 对高速铣削典型铝合金框架结构工件时的切削力和加工表面质量进行了试验研究。
- Because of the effect of CPU-calculating speed, the procedure of machining is carried out point by point from calcuation to cutting intermittently , leading to poor surface quality on the workpiece. 通过反复改变工艺系统的参数,最终有效地提高了工件的表面质量,保证了工件的加工精度,从而在由工艺系统弥补编程系统的不足方面做了有益的尝试。
- Enhance the degree of finish of the workpiece surface, select Brighting according to the materials. 加强工件表面研磨的力度。根据不同材料选择光亮剂。
- Protecting the glossiness of workpiece surface, suitable used as immersion liquid after polishing. 保护工件表面的光泽。适于作抛光后的沉浸液。
- This series of abrators are mainly suitable for cleaning the fragile workpieces. It can also be used reinforce the workpiece surface. 该系列转台式抛丸清理机主要用于怕碰撞的工件清理,亦可为零件表面强化处理。
- Theoretical direction may be provided on judging defect of rolling workpiece surface. 从而为估测楔横轧成形阶梯轴类件时轧件表面是否会产生缺陷提供理论指导。
- The grind-hardening is a new technology that integrates grinding and surface hardening and enhances material capability of workpiece surface. 磨削强化技术是一种集磨削加工与表面淬火于一体的新技术,可对钢件表层进行强化处理。
- The effect of broaching rate and feed per tooth,tool orthogonal rake on residual stress of workpiece surface are analyzed by broaching GH169 alloy. 分析拉削GH169合金时,速度、齿升量、拉刀前角对拉削表面残余应力的影响。
- On the basis of Markov Random Field(MRF) theory, Markov Random Field texture model was presented to analyse workpiece surface texture images. 基于马尔可夫随机场理论,建立了工件表面纹理图像的马尔可夫随机场纹理模型,并对工件表面纹理图像的特点进行了分析。
- The author proposes MRF through analyzing the workpiece surface texture after lathing and sets up the abrasion loss idetification of it with parameter. 针对车削后的工件表面纹理图像进行了纹理分析,建立了高斯马尔可夫随机场模型,并采用特征参数的相对距离实现了刀具磨损量的识别。
- The voltage pulse and noise in receiving coils positioned on the workpiece surface tested due to Barkhausen effect was called Barkhausen noise. 因巴克豪森效应在试样表面接收线圈中产生的电压脉冲和噪声称为巴克豪森噪声。
- Cutting temperature is the important factor which directly affects the cutting tool wear, workpiece surface integrity and machining precision in high speed machining. 高速切削过程中切削温度对刀具磨损、工件加工表面完整性及加工精度有极大的影响。