- Many sleepers were fixed on a railway. 一条铁路上有许多固定了的枕木。
- You will be in dangerif you walk on a railway line. 如果你在铁路轨道上行走那是很危险的。
- workman on a railway 铁路工人
- The speed of a railway train is often much faster on a down grade. 火车下坡时速度通常快很多。
- A guy's life can be described as a train on a railway track. 男人的一生就象是铁轨上的火车。
- You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line. 如果你在铁轨上行走,那是很危险的。
- An axle or journal box, as on a railway car, that has become overheated by excessive friction. 热轴由于过分摩擦而变得过热的轮轴或轴颈箱,如火车上的
- On a railway journey Mrs. Johnson liked to sit facing toward the engine. 约翰逊夫人在坐火车时喜欢面朝火车头坐。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- An axle or journal box,as on a railway car,that has become overheated by excessive friction. 热轴由于过分摩擦而变得过热的轮轴或轴颈箱,如火车上的
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他继续学习笔记进修课程。
- She sat down on a tuft of grass. 她坐在一小块草地上。
- The two of them were necking on a park bench. 他们俩在公园的长凳上拥抱亲吻。
- He and I were shipmates on a trawler once. 我与他一度同在一艘拖网船上工作。
- It is no fun betting on a sure thing. 对必然要发生的事打赌是毫无意义的。
- The annular markings on a tree indicate its age. 树的环形纹理显示其年龄。