- The seniority system produces working poor. 论资排辈制度会产生出劳动贫困阶层。
- They are the working poor, the unemployed poor, the unskilled poor. 他们是就业的穷人、失业的穷人、无手艺的穷人。
- Mr Ozawa promises to restore the pension system, help the working poor and the old, and revitalise the countryside. 小泽先生承诺将重建日本的养老系统,帮助那些穷忙族和老人,还要振兴农村地区。
- "Keep in mind that the majority of U.S. smokers are classified as poor or working poor," Payne said. 佩恩说:“记住,美国的绝大多数烟民被归为穷人或穷忙族。
- "We Let You Loan to the Working Poor - Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty. 他们把众多的借款人组合起来,限制每个人的借款上限为25美元,再借给借款人,并监督及执行其还款计画,并报告各借款人。
- Mostly in their 20s, the congregation carried banners demanding respect for themselves, the working poor in one of the world's richest nations. 这群人多半20来岁,他们手举布条,要求给予他们尊重,他们是世上最富有国家之一的贫穷劳工。
- The Microplace website says that borrowers are usually the working poor who are self employed as traders, farmers or craftspeople. 3、申请人有稳定的收入,有还款付息的能力,无不良的信贷记录;
- "The real danger with rising rice prices,” said Paul Risley, spokesman for WFP Asia, “is that the 'working poor' will simply be pushed into the category of 'poor', who will look to us to feed them. 世界粮食计划署(WFP)也提出了警告。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- He jibbed at working overtime every day. 他不愿每天都加班加点。
- The basketball players are working out at the gym. 篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。
- The boxers are working out at the gym. 拳击手们正在体育馆里训练。
- We are working in conjunction with the police. 我们与警方配合进行工作。
- Pay increases will not always make up for poor working conditions. 工资的增长并不总能够弥补恶劣的工作环境之不足。
- You'll crack up if you go on working so hard. 你继续这样拚命干下去,身体会吃不消的。
- He has stopped working and leads a very easy life. 他现在不做事了,过着很舒服的日子。
- I spent some time in working over these books. 我花了一些时间去好好研究这些书籍。
- I supplement my grant by working in the evenings. 我除享受助学金外还打夜工以增加收入。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- She had spent all her working life in the factory. 她一生的工作时间都是在这座工厂里度过的。