- She acted in collusion with the other witness. 她与另一证人串通一气。
- Work in collusion for some evil purpose 狼狈为奸
- To be blunt, we strongly suspect that you are working in collusion with those bad eggs. 老实说,我们非常怀疑你同那些坏蛋有勾结。
- To be blunt,we strongly suspect that you are working in collusion with those bad eggs. 老实说,我们非常怀疑你同那些坏蛋有勾结。
- Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium. 他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气。
- They are killing fighters against Japan, holding back progress and working in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators to pave the way for capitulation. 就是杀抗日分子,压制进步,勾结日寇汉奸,准备投降。
- Our plan didn't work in with theirs very well. 我们的计划和他们的计划配合得不太好。
- The idea sounds good but will it work in practice? 这主意听起来不错,但在实践中行得通吗?
- They are killing fighters against Japan,holding back progress and working in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators to pave the way for capitulation. 就是杀抗日分子,压制进步,勾结日寇汉奸,准备投降。
- The prisoners were let out to work in the garden. 囚犯们被放出到花园里去劳动。
- Fat Cats working in collusion with Patriarchal Oppressors to produce a society where the poor lower classes are victimized by the Greed and Profit-Taking of the achiever class. 特权阶级与家长制的压迫者们勾结在一起;产生了一个贪婪的;依靠剥削为生的既得利益者阶级肆无忌惮地欺侮底层贫苦人民的社会.
- The officials are in collusion with the criminals. 官员们与罪犯勾结。
- Bill did his home work in earnest. 比尔认真地做功课。
- I am a worker, I work in the factory. 我是一个工人,我在工厂工作。
- Do you hope to be assign to work in country? 你希望分配到农村工作吗?
- They acted in collusion with corrupt officials. 他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。
- She finished her work in an instant. 她没有多久就完成了她的工作。
- Thus, the Wang Ching-wei clique and the anti-Communist die-hards in the Kuomintang have been working in collusion, one from without and the other from within, and have created pandemonium. 这样,汪精卫派和国民党的反共顽固派两家里应外合,把时局闹得乌烟瘴气了。
- Please let me do my work in peace. 请让我安静地工作。
- Thus,the Wang Ching-wei clique and the anti-Communist die-hards in the Kuomintang have been working in collusion,one from without and the other from within,and have created pandemonium. 这样,汪精卫派和国民党的反共顽固派两家里应外合,把时局闹得乌烟瘴气了。