- He spoke a few words of comfort to me before leaving. 走之前,他向我说了几句安慰的话。
- I tried to offer a few words of comfort. 我试图说上几句安慰的话。
- Your words of comfort were most helpful. 您的安慰言词对我很有帮助。
- Give a word of comfort, give a helping hand. 送一句真诚的慰籍,伸出温暖的双手。
- The nurse spoke a few words of comfort to the sick boy. 护士对小病人说了几句安慰的话。
- The priest spoke a few words of comfort to the dying man. 牧师对那个快死的人说了几句安慰话。
- He hummed and hawed for quite a while before he uttered a few words of comfort. 他吭哧了好一会才说出几句安慰话。
- Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are oldest therapy known to man. 词的舒适性,善于管理,是已知最古老的疗法男子。
- I said a few words to comfort him (or gave him a few words of comfort). 我安慰了他几句。
- Sometimes a few words of comfort to the one who has just failed may encourage him to stand up and even try to make a comeback. 当一个人失败时几句安慰话也许会使他重新站起来甚至卷土重来。
- Blair's words of comfort were met with boos and jeers from the agricultural representatives threatened with the loss of their livelihoods through the disastrous epidemic. 布莱尔的安慰之词得到的是农民代表们的嘘声和嘲讽,灾难性的传染病(蹄症)致牲口死亡威胁他们的利益。
- I offer a mite of comfort to him. 我给了他一点安慰。
- Saul of Tarsus was converted on a sudden, but no man ever went through a greater horror of darkness than he did before Ananias came to him with the words of comfort. 大数的扫罗是突然归信的,但在亚拿尼亚带着安慰的话来到他那里之前,无人比他经历更大的对黑暗的恐惧。
- A private car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. 私人小汽车能给人很大的舒服和机动性。
- Meeting with each other are happy and leave each other are also enjoyment.Broad and level heart fill up with benison.Say a urge again and again.Send off a word of comfort. 坦荡的心里盛满祝福,道一声叮咛,送一句安慰,时间可以暗淡记忆,岁月可以抹去泪痕。
- She penned a few words of thanks. 她写了几句致谢的话。
- A few words of introduction may not come amiss. 说几句开场白会很合适的。
- Here are words of comfort for anyone who has spent more time than he should in online chat rooms-a British psychologist has found that courtships begun in cyberspace can very well lead to true love. 以下这些话可令那些花了太多时间上网聊天的人得到些许安慰:一位英国心理学家发现网上开始的浪漫完全可能结出真爱之果。
- He received the news by word of mouth. 他得到的是口头的消息。
- Here are words of comfort for anyone who has spent more time than he should in online chat rooms -- a British psychologist has found that courtships begun in cyberspace can very well lead to true love. 英国一位心理学家最近发现,网上恋情很有可能发展成为真爱,这则消息格外迎合那些成天泡在网上聊天室里的网友们的心理。