- Her words and deeds testify to her honesty. 她的言行证明了她的诚实。
- His words and deeds are always consistent. 他的言行始终是一致的。
- His words and deeds testify to his honesty. 他的言行证明他是诚实的。
- People can atone for sins through words and deeds. 人们通过话语与行动来赎罪。
- Their faith in your word and deed. 言行不招人猜疑。
- He is faithful in word and deed. 他言行有信。
- Scout is clean in thought, word and deed. 童军的思想、言语及行为是纯真的。
- In short, their words and deeds do not conform to the six criteria! 总之,不合乎六条标准嘛!
- Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout land. 如今他的言论和事迹在全国广为传颂。
- He was overcautious and discreet in words and deeds. (他谨小慎微,谨言慎行。)
- At worst, those words and deeds will seem amusing or pitiable. 在最糟的情况下,那些言行只会显得似乎很有趣或很可悲。
- An assiduous and devoted admirer, student, and recorder of another's words and deeds. 极度崇拜者崇拜另一人言行的殷勤和忠实的、学生和记录者
- His words and deeds are full of contradictions and he is untrustworthy. 他的言行矛盾百出,让人难以相信。
- Good words and ill deeds deceive wise and fools. 动听的话和坏行为同样欺骗聪明和愚人。
- Nature is born modality of life. The arts in word and deed are all life arts. 自然是生命的最本真形态,真正的艺术皆是生命的艺术。
- We have sought - in word and deed - a new era of engagement with the world. 我们通过自己的言辞和行动,追求一个全世界共同参与的新时代。
- We should not criticize or condemn other countries without good reason or go to extremes in our words and deeds. 不随便批评别人、指责别人,过头的话不要讲,过头的事不要做。
- We firmly oppose all words and deeds aimed at creating "Taiwan independence","two Chinas" or "one China,one Taiwan". 对任何旨在制造“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的言行,我们都坚决反对。
- Solemn words and deeds, “no greed and fickleness” are specific performance of medical ethics. 言行庄重、不躁不贪是医德的具体表现。
- Any words and deeds that underestimate netizen intelligence quotient can suffer only disgustful and mock. 任何低估网民智商的言行只会遭到唾弃和耻笑。