- Keywords deresination treat of masson pine;deresination ratio;wood strength in mechanics;bond strength;dimensional stability; 马尾松脱脂处理;脱脂率;木材物理力学性质;胶合性能;尺寸稳定性;
- wood strength in mechanics 木材物理力学性质
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Tom's strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是汤姆的看家本领。
- I do not have enough strength in my wrist. 我的手腕力气不够大。
- Bachelor degree in mechanics or Engineering. 本科学历、工程或机械专业。
- The standard symbol for force in mechanics. 力学中对于力的标准表示方式。
- She is a pillar of strength in a crisis. 她在危难中表现非常坚强。
- Strength in time of TEMPETATION. 默念一百遍。
- In mechanics, he is the expert (or an authority). 在力学方面,他是我们这里的大拿。
- What is your strength in running a LEGO workshop? 您开一个工作室的优势是什么?
- I feel that there is no strength in my upper arm. 我感到上臂无力。
- She prayed for strength in her troubles. 她祈求(上帝)在困难时给她力量。
- She prayed God for strength in her troubles. 祈求神在她遭遇困难时赐予力量。
- She prayed for strength in her troubles . 她祈求在困难时给她力量。
- Pacifist movements gathered strength in Norway. 在挪威,和平主义的运动力量逐渐增强。
- I don't have enough strength in my wrist. 我的手腕力量不够。
- Major in mechanics or electrical engineering with bachelor degree. 在机械和电气类专业获学士学位。
- There's a strength in that, but it's very balletic. 但是,动作又不失力量美,就好像芭蕾舞那样。
- College and above, majored in mechanics and automaton. 机电大专学历或以上。