- wood processing business 木材加工企业
- And then plexiglass products processing business. 并接有机玻璃制品加工业务。
- You see,do processing business will profit both of us. 您知道,进行加工贸易对我们双方都有好处。
- You see, do processing business will profit both of us. 您知道,进行加工贸易对我们双方都有好处。
- I wonder whether you are interested in doing processing business with us. 我想知道你们是否对与我们进行加工贸易感兴趣。
- We would like to see that doing processing business will benefit both of us. 我们希望看到加工贸易对我们双方都有利。
- There exist much hazardous factors in wood processing and the risk of human injury accidents is high. 木材加工生产中危险有害因素较多,发生人员伤害事故的风险比较高。
- Procedure of processing busy line. 处理占线电话的程序。
- Wet heart wood,an abnormality occuring in tree growth,is a critical problem in poplar wood processing and utilization. 湿心材是树木生长中的一种反常现象 ,在杨树中表现甚为突出 ,是杨树加工利用中的一大难题。
- To state briefly the wood processing technique evolution and development course in China's Feudal society times. 简要的记述了我国封建社会时期木材加工技术的演变及发展过程。
- Mainly solid wood processing top brands - Italy PADE solid wood furniture and equipment VIET sanding machine. 主要有实木加工顶级品牌-意大利PADE实木桌椅设备及VIET砂光机。
- With import and export right, Jiading District in Shanghai has solid wood processing factory floor. 具有自营进出口权,在上海嘉定区设有实木地板加工工厂。
- Xinyang Golden Sun Woodwork Co.Ltd. is the first wood processing enterprise established by APP-Sinarmas group in China. 信阳金太阳木业有限公司是金光集团在中国投资兴建的第一个板材加工企业。
- Our Main luxurious of the furniture from wood processing (such as: Redwood, Rosewood), and other furnishings. 我司的主营名贵木材加工而成的家具(如:红木、紫檀木)、摆设等。
- As the wages in Japan is too high, we'd like to introduce our processing business into China. 由于日本的工资太高,我们想把本公司的加工业务引入中国。
- In wood processing, especially the processing of Chinese fir, wood is liable to crack when dried with the core, which affects productquality. 在木材加工中,尤其是杉木加工,在银材烘干过程中木才带芯烘干造成木材列裂、裂缝,影响产品质量。解决木材带芯烘干中开裂技术难题。
- As the wages in Japan is too high,we'd like to introduce our processing business into China. 由于日本的工资太高,我们想把本公司的加工业务引入中国。
- The cost to treat pollution from wood processing is 1/24 of that for concrete, 1/125 for aluminum, and 1/ 4.5 for steel. 木材加工的污染治理费是混凝土的1/24,铝的1/12.;5,钢的1/4
- Grafton is home to a pleasant mix of real estate, wood processing, automotive &mechannical, electrronics, whosale &retail trading etc. 格拉夫顿市拥有集房地产业、木材加工业、汽车机械产业、电子产业、批发和零售贸易为一体的产业结构,经济发达。
- We accept commission processing business for Basolan, Superwash and Soft-luster wool top. 承接巴素兰、丝光防缩毛条加工业务。