- Wood flooring - Mosaic parquet elements. 木地板。镶嵌地板构件。
- Wood flooring - Multi-layer parquet elements. 木地板。多层拼花地板构件。
- Wood flooring - Solid lamparquet products. 木地板。实木拼花地板制品。
- Why Price of Wood Flooring is Fluctuant? 木地板价格为何升降不一 反复无常
- Supply of Merbau solid wood flooring. 长期供应婆萝格实木地板.
- Wood flooring will split if it is not cared for. 木地板不养护就会开裂。
- A carpet overlays the wood floor. 地板上铺了一条地毯。
- The family room has a wood floor with a fireplace. 家庭室里有壁炉和铺上硬木地板。
- The salesman palmed off pine wood floor as oak. 那位推销员将松木制地板冒充橡树地板推销。
- What is the microlitic wood floor? 什么是微晶环保地板?
- EMC solid wood flooring, China preferred the family home! 安信实木地板,中国家庭的家居首选!
- I polished the wood floor in the house twice this week. 我这周给木地板打了两次蜡。
- It's amazing that you still have the original wood floor. 你还保留着原来的木地板真令人吃惊。
- The wood floor gives a feeling of warmth in the winter. 冬天时,木地板给我温暖的感觉。
- Shop Lue:pian ground red iron wood floors. 地面铺略偏红的铁木地板。
- After installation, clean the floor and rub it with FonSon Wood Floor Wax. 地板铺设后,应清洁干净并打一次丰盛地板专用蜡。
- And the castors prevent any damage on the marble or wood floor and the lawn. 借助聚氨脂脚轮,可避免对大理石、木地板及草坪等地面的损坏;
- Wood floor, wood window,the voice of stepping on the floor makes you feel good. 走在木地板上发出的“咚咚”声音给人的感觉真的很亲切。
- Spacious Livingroom with Bright, Airy and Lovely Shaped Windows and wood floor. 明亮又宽敞的客厅,通风又可爱的窗户和硬木地板。
- To maintain the level of light wood floors can regularly Dala. 如要保持木地板光亮程度,可定期打蜡。