- He's won a name for his sense of humor. 他的幽默感出了名。
- won a name for themselvesv. 成名(出名)
- win a name for themselvesvt. 成名(出名)
- Japan wins a name for its sceneries of cherry blossom and Fuji Mountain. 日本因樱花盛放的美景及富士山而赢取美誉。
- She carved out a name for herself as a reporter. 她靠苦干而成了有名的记者。
- She first made a name for herself as an actress. 她最初是以当演员而成名的。
- The Force Product Department has lead the way in this respect and made a name for themselves. 测力产品部门在这一方面是领先者,并且已名声在外。。
- She first make a name for herself as an actress. 她最初是以当演员而成名的。
- Together, they made a name for themselves, expanding their business from simple bootlegging to smuggling of various illegal wares. 他们一起把业务从简单的制假售假扩展到非法走私,在黑道上声名鹊起。
- She has made a name for herself as a singer. 她希望能够在歌唱事业中享有盛名。
- She has got a name for herself as a singer. 她已成为一位歌星。
- Despite his brutal assessment of Chelsea's defending, Mourinho still regards the situation as perfect for some of the fringe players to make a name for themselves. 尽管他严厉的批评了后防线,但穆帅依旧认为现在是一些边缘球员表现自己的好时机。
- The fact that Caiman and Ezriel try to continue to be Jews outside the net of Judaism is as absurd as the Tower of Babel, which the ancient people in the Bible built in order to make a name for themselves, which but never reached the heavens. 卡尔门与爱兹列尔起先企图通过欲望和知识来继续其犹太教信仰,其结果与圣经历史上人们为扬名而建造的巴别塔一样难以通向神性的天堂,他们后来通过从精神上回归犹太教而矗起了一座精神宝塔。
- After some modern repackaging, traditional Taiwanese teas like oolong and paochong are making a name for themselves in the intense battleground that is the local soft drink market. 乌龙、包种等传统的台湾茶经现代包装术改头换面、进入市场后,使一向战况激烈的饮料大战更有看头。
- After using sexual motifs to create a name for themselves, Travel Fox has turned to humor and mystery to continue to create a unique image. (photo courtesy of Hongson International Co. 在以性感广告打响知名度之后,旅狐广告策略进入第二阶段:以幽默、神秘的手法,继续塑造独特的形象。
- He made a name for himself as a concert pianist. 他以交响乐钢琴演奏家成名。
- The joiner has a name for reliability. 那个木匠以可靠闻名。
- Under Mr Greenspan, whose memoirscame out this week (see article), the Fed won a name for being quick to cutrates when markets squealed but slow to raise them when the economy picked up. 根据本周出笼的格林斯潘的回忆录,美联储赢得了这样一个名声:当市场告急时迅速降息,但是经济回升时却疏于回调。
- He wanted to make a name for himself as an actor. 他希望能够在演艺圈中享有盛名。
- I want to mane a name for myself as a wirter. 我想成为一名作家,使自己成名。