- This religion emphasizes chasteness in women and men. 这个宗教强调男女的贞洁。
- Some old women and men grow bitter with age; the more their teeth drop out, the more biting they get. 有些老太婆与老头子,随着年岁而变得脾气暴戾——牙齿掉得越多,越发咬得入骨。
- In today's China, women and men are on equal footing. 在今天的中国,男女平等。
- It's I think women and men should be treated equally. 我认为男女选手应该得到同等的待遇。
- It's laid down in the Act that women and men have the equal rights. 法案规定男女享受平等的权利。
- We shouldn't have neglected that women and men are equal. 我们必须看到男人和女人应当是平等的。
- A finger shake always happens when women and men shake hands. 微伸手指的握手:女子在与男子握手时往往会用这种方式。
- There occurred a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country. 近来在这个国家出现了男女平等的潮流。
- The equal rights and opportunities of women and men must be assured. 必须保障男女享有平等的权利和机会。
- Funafuti, property buyers achieve the 58:42 ratio of women and men basic. 据福纳公司最新调查发现,购房者基本的男女比例达到了58:42。
- The "rest" had only one seat and it was unisex. Both women and men could use it by locking the door from the inside. 它只有一个便座,而且是不分性别的,谁进去只要把门反锁上就可专用。
- Men, women and children are all human beings. 男人、女人和孩子都是人。
- At the next Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996,women and men will compete separately. 年下届亚特兰大奥运会上男女将分一开各自单独比赛。
- There occur a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country. 近来在这个国家出现了男女平等的潮流
- The story(absurd enough!) is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. 传说(虽然相当荒唐)朱庇特造了第一个女人并把她送给了普罗米修斯兄弟二人,以惩罚他们偷盗天火的狂妄行为,也惩罚人类,因为他们接受了天火。
- Chinese laws guarantee that women and men enjoy the same rights and status and have equal personal dignity. 中国的各种法律保障妇女与男子具有同等的权利和地位,具有同等的人格和尊严。
- To distinguish between women and men MPS,you can say'the Hon. Lady'or'the Hon. Gentleman'. 为将男女下议院议员区别开,称女下院议员为“女士阁下”,男下院议员为“先生阁下”。
- To distinguish between women and men mps,you can say"the hon. lady" or"the hon. gentleman". 为将男女下议院议员区别开,称女下院议员为“女士阁下”,男下院议员为“先生阁下”。
- Women and children were butchered by the rebels. 妇女和儿童遭到叛乱者的屠杀。
- Some old women and men grow bitter with age; the more their teeth drop out,the more biting they get. 有些老太婆与老头子,随着年岁而变得脾气暴戾;牙齿掉得越多,越发咬得入骨。