- Mr Yeltsin's had been a “tragic fate”, said Mr Gorbachev. 戈尔巴乔夫称叶利钦的错误是“悲剧性的命运”。
- Hamlet's tragedy surrounding the tragic fate of his character hints. 哈姆雷特的悲剧性格为他的悲剧命运埋下了伏笔.
- Her tragic fate reveals the subordinate and low status of the women as" the second sex" and " the other" in Elizabethan England, and shows that even if the queen was in reign,the patriarchy-centered culture was still deep-rooted. 她从新女性到父权制文化牺牲品的悲剧命运,揭示了伊丽莎白时代英国女性作为“第二性”和“他者”的从属、低下地位,说明即使在女王当政时代,父权制中心文化依然根深蒂固。
- Liu's fictions depict the perseverance and tragic fate of coal miners. 刘在邦的小说书写了煤矿工人的坚忍与悲命。
- These Figs show directly the spirit of Han dancers, at the same time, reveal their tragic fate. 它们直观地展示了汉世乐舞伎人的风采,也揭示了他们的悲惨历史命运。
- Chueh-hsin forgot his own unhappiness completely in his pity for Mei's tragic fate. 这时候他只是为她的命运悲伤,他完全为她一个人着想:他把自己的悲哀也忘记了。
- Once he discards his social role in Chicago and entersthe New York, his tragic fate is doomed. 他的职业造就了他的性格,一旦他抛弃在芝加哥的社会角色,跑到纽约,他的悲剧便接踵而来。
- Lu Xun used a causal structure, Ah Q's tragic fate is the result, while the reason is his ignorance and backwardness. 鲁迅用了一个因果结构,阿Q的悲剧命运是结果,而原因则是他的愚昧、落后。
- So his works reflects the mankind's tragic fate and sentimental moods from two dimensions of time and fate. 他的作品就从时间和命运两个向度,体现了人类的悲剧命运和伤感情绪。
- One night, Wang Yun was strolling in his garden, thinking of the tragic fate of the country. His eyes filled with tears. 一天夜里,王允来到花园,想到国家的命运,又忍不住流下了眼。
- This paper is an attempt to study the tragic fate of Emily from the perspective of interpersonal metafunction in systemic functional linguistics. 本文拟从人际功能入手,对爱米丽与其他人之间的人际关系进行分析,试图从一个新的角度探讨爱米丽的悲剧命运。
- Some critics accused her work pattern of small, is always a draconian tells the tragic fate of the individual, ” “ simply obsolete. 有批评家指责她的作品格局小,始终是在讲述极权统治下个人的悲剧命运,“简直老掉牙”。
- It is no dispute that, living in this chaos everyone in this world, the lack of what kind of life would be incomplete life, fate will be tragic fate. 可以毫不争议的说,生活在这纷纷扰扰人世间的每一个人,缺少了哪一种,人生都将是残缺的人生,命运都将是悲剧的命运。
- Peterson may be only willing we can see that these two are in the vortex of war can not escape the tragic fate of their hero. 彼德森也许只愿意我们看到这两个身处战争旋涡中无法逃避自身悲剧命运的英雄。
- The ballet "Lin Daiyu"selected from the lengthy novel is a moving story of love between Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai, and follows their conflicts and tragic fate. 芭蕾舞剧《林黛玉》撷取最动人的爱情故事--林黛玉、贾宝玉和薛宝钗之间的感情纠葛及最终的悲剧结局,
- Some delicate hyacinths outside the hostel wall droop their heads, full of tears, suspiring their tragic fate for encountering such damp weather after a couple of sunny days. 宿舍墙外一带种的娇嫩的洋水仙,垂了头,含着满眼的泪珠,在那里叹息它们的薄命,才过了两天的晴美的好日子又遇到这样霉气薰薰的雨天。
- In the first 50 years of the 20th century, the Chinese people made unflagging efforts to change the tragic fate that had been theirs ever since the Opium War. 在第一个50年的二十世纪,中国人民付出了不懈的努力来改变的悲惨命运,他们已自鸦片战争。
- Here too we experience Goethe's characteristic humor, the excitement and eroticism of the witches' Walpurgis Night, and the moving emotion of Gretchen's tragic fate. 蔡元培这本书,秉承中华修身传统,融汇西方公民教育观念,是一部百年罕见的公民道德教育实践之书,放在现在尤其意义非凡。
- Kaurismaki and other films, rooted in the tragic fate of the Finns, was described economic development community to abandon the working class of Finland. 与考里斯马基其他电影一样,根植于命运悲惨的芬兰人,描绘被经济发展的社会抛弃的芬兰工人阶级。
- Research on the tragic fate of the two women: Fan Yi and Nora 从娜拉到蘩漪窥透两个女性的悲剧命运