- The truth of the report is beyond all doubt. 该报道的真实性是无可置疑的。
- I feel suspicious about the truth of the account. 我对于这帐目的真实性感到怀疑。
- Her account was a perversion of the truth. 她所讲的歪曲了事实。
- I was unable to satisfy them of the truth of my story. 我无法使他们相信我说的是实话。
- The truth of the case of murder has recently come to light. 近来这件谋杀案的真相已为众人所知。
- I am ready to vouch for the truth of the report. 我愿担保这一报导的真实性。
- I am convinced of the truth of my reasoning. 我确信自己推理的正确。
- I am fully satisfied of the truth of his statement. 我完全相信他讲的是事实。
- This was a misrepresentation of the truth. 这对真理的扭曲。
- The police dragged the truth out of the prisoner. 警察逼罪犯招出实情。
- He's trying to root up the truth out of the child. 他千方百计从这个小孩口中探得真相。
- Her story is of some colours of the truth. 她的故事有点真实感。
- There is no doubt as to the truth of the story. 故事的真实性无可置疑。
- A bender of iron bars; a bender of the truth. 铁棒的弯曲处;歪曲的真理
- We should make sure of the truth of the story. 我们确保它的真实性。
- I am very suspicious of the truth of his words. 我非常怀疑他的话的真实性。
- I can find out the truth of the fact. 我能查出事实的真相。
- The truth of the matter emerged. 事情的真相暴露了。
- The truth of the matter, no one knows. 没有人知道事情的真相。
- She did know the truth of the theft. 她的确知道盗窃案的真相。