- A mover of a motion may withdraw a notice of a motion at any time before it is moved by giving instructions to the Clerk. 经预告的议案在动议之前,可随时由议案动议人指示立法会秘书将其撤回。
- He introduced a motion to the Congress. 他向国会提交了一份议案。
- A motion was passed by the Commons yesterday. 昨天下议院通过了一个动议。
- I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier. 我想收回我早些时候发表的一项声明。
- I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier on. 我想收回我早些时候发表的一项声明。
- They are voting on a motion to adjourn the meeting. 他们将对一项休会以的动议进行表决。
- Withdraw a step away, just to find my self. 撤回一步,只为找回自我。
- Finally one made a motion to call the headwaiter. 最后有一个人建议找领班侍者。
- To make a motion of seizing,snatching,or clutching. 急切地抓住做抓、抢夺或紧握的动作
- I want to withdraw a hundred yuan from my savings account,please. 我想从我的储蓄存款中提取100元。
- A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand. 挥动手的运动或棍棒的挥动
- He made a motion with his hand to make me sit down. 他招手示意要我坐下。
- He introduced a motion to the meeting. 他向会议提出一项动议。
- I'd like to propose a motion, Mr. Speaker. 议长先生, 我想提出一项动议。
- They put a motion to the committee. 他们将动议提付委员会讨论。
- The conference adopted a motion. 会议通过了一项提议。
- Finally one made a motion to call the headwaiter . 最后有一个人建议找领班侍者。
- Because being a motion technetron is dull. 如果这不是关于故事的,那么你就是个运动机器。
- I want to withdraw a hundred yuan from my savings account, please. 我想从我的储蓄存款中提取100元。
- Could I withdraw a sum of money beforehand against my credit card? 请问我能凭我的信用卡提前支取一笔钱吗?