- His daughter would describe him as a poor old thing with one foot in the grave. 他女儿说他是一个快要入土的可怜的老家伙。
- It is sometimes the fate of a poet to succeed,only when he is with one foot in the grave. 有时候诗人命中注定只有行将就将木时才能获得成功。
- He looks as though he has one foot in the grave. 他看来已经风烛残年了。
- My 90-year old uncle has one foot in the grave. 我90岁的叔父已是风烛残年。
- The old man has one foot in the grave. 那位老人已是风烛残年。
- That old man already has one foot in the grave. 那老人已是一只脚踏入棺材里,活不长了。
- The dying patient has one foot in the grave. 奄奄一息的病人离死不远了。
- It is sometimes the fate of a poet to succeed, only when he is with one foot in the grave. 有时候诗人命中注定只有行将就将木时才能获得成功。
- He may not have one foot in the grave. 他可不是风烛残年。
- Don't treat me as though I had one foot in the grave! 别把我看成好像是个一脚已踏进坟墓的人。
- That old man already have one foot in the grave. 那老人已是一只脚踏入棺材里,活不长了。
- The sick old man knew he had one foot in the grave. 患病的老人知道他已经半截入土了。
- An old man has one foot in the grave. 老人等于一脚已踏进坟墓。(生命无常)
- He's much too old to go skiing; he's got one foot in the grave! 他年纪太大了,不能去滑雪,他已是风烛残年了。
- You have one foot in the grave and one on banana peel. (你一脚踩在坟墓里一脚踩在香蕉皮上。)想再恐吓他一下还可以再加上
- Old Tom has one foot in the grave, but he is still working very hard. 老汤姆已不久于人世,但他仍奋力地工作着。
- I doubt whether he will ever get well. He looks as though he had one foot in the grave. 我怀疑他究竟能否痊愈,他看起来像是一只脚进了棺材的人了。
- I doubt whether Smith will ever get well. He looks as though he had one foot in the grave. 我恐怕史密斯是好不了了,他好像已经一只脚踩进了坟墓。
- You think I'm marrying an old man like that? You must be joking. He already has one foot in the grave. 你以为我要跟那样的老头儿结婚啊?开玩笑啊你。他都快进棺材了。
- This is the posture of fortune's slave: one foot in the gravy, one foot in the grave. 勃然大怒并不难--每个人都可以--难的是发泄怒气时找准对象,把握分寸和时机,明确目的并采取恰当的方式。