- We should make the plan with an eye on the future. 我们作计划时应该考虑到将来。
- Save your money now with an eye on the future. 现在存点儿钱,为将来作打算。
- To strengthen exchanges with an eye on the future. 第四,着眼未来,加强交流。
- They bought the building with an eye on converting it into a school. 他们买了那栋楼房,想把它改成学校。
- They appear to do everything in a rush, with an eye on the clock, as if they had only a short time to live. 他们似乎做每件事都匆匆忙忙,一只眼睛盯在时钟上,好像他们活着的日子不多了。
- Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while? 请你照看一下我的婴儿好吗?
- We should make the plan with an eye to the future. 我们作计划时应该考虑到将来。
- They appear to do everything in a rush,with an eye on the clock,as if they had only a short time to live. 他们似乎做每件事都匆匆忙忙,一只眼睛盯在时钟上,好像他们活着的日子不多了。
- Foreign banks are investing in their ATM networks with an eye on future business prospects. 国外银行投资它们的ATM业务网络主要是着眼于未来商业前景。
- At the turn of the new century, with an eye on the private car market, many auto makers have developed low-cost, small cars suitable for family use. 世纪之交,许多汽车制造商瞄准私家车市场,开发了适用家庭的低价位小型汽车
- After a brief Pentagon desk job for then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, Powell embarked on a second career in law with an eye on politics. 他进入五角大厦,为当时的国防部长钱尼工作了一阵子,之后便前往法律界展开第二个职业生涯,但对政治也相当留意。
- After years of splurging with an eye on their rising assets, that phenomenon, known as the wealth effect, now cuts the other way, spurring frugality. 几年来,不断增长的资产带动人们大肆挥霍,这种被称为“财富效应”的现象如今走向了另一个方向,促使人们“节流”。
- We shall make the plan with an eye to the future. 我们作计划时应该考虑到将来。
- Then he has got to keep an eye on them. 然后,他应该对这些人的工作进行监督。
- He asked his neighbour to keep an eye on his house. 他请邻居照看他的房子。
- Will you keep an eye on my children for a while? 你愿意照看一会儿我的小孩吗?
- Redecorated the room with an eye to its future use as a nursery. 装饰这间屋子要着眼于将来其用作保育室
- Please keep an eye on the children. 请照看一下孩子们。
- Keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket. 我买票去,请关照一下我的小提箱。
- Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils. 看着炉子,免得咖啡煮沸了。