- As the sun went down, the whole sky became suffused with a red glow. 当太阳落山的时候,天空呈现一片红色的霞光。
- I took this picture with a red filter. 这张照片我是用红色滤光镜拍摄的。
- I can wear a red tie with a pink shire if I want to. What of it? 我愿意的话,我可以扎红色领带,穿粉红色衬衫,那又有什么不行呢?
- I always mark with a red pencil so that the mistakes are easy to see. 我总是用红铅笔改作业,以便使错误一目了然。
- Shall I tie it with a red ribbon? 是否需要用红绸带绑一下?
- The young girl's hair is tied up with a red ribbon. 这个小女孩的头发用一条河谛带扎了起来。
- She marked her place in the text with a red pen. 她用红笔在文中标出了她所读到的地方。
- Who's the boy with a red tie round his neck? 脖子上围着红领巾的男孩是谁?
- Look for a red "T" with a bar over it. 它的上方横条上写着红色“T”。
- "What do you mean?" she blazed with a red face. “你这是什么意思?”她气得满脸通红。
- The floor is covered with a red carpet. 地板上铺着红色的地毯。
- I marked the important sentences with a red pencil. 我用红铅笔把重要的句子作上了记号。
- The firm provided me with a red car. 公司给我提供了一辆红色的小轿车。
- Who's the boy with a red tie round his neck ? 脖子上围着红领巾的男孩是谁?
- Rudolph is the reindeer with a red nose. 鲁道夫是一只有着红鼻子的驯鹿。
- The wedding cake was crowned with a red rose. 结婚蛋糕上有一朵红玫瑰。
- She marked her son's clothes with a red thread. 她用红线在儿子的衣服上做了记号。
- She is wearing a red cloak with a hood. 她穿着一件红色带兜帽的披风。
- A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl. 土耳其长烟管一种有长杆和红色的黏土做的烟斗的土耳其的烟管
- The young girl's hair was tied up with a red ribbon. 这个小女孩的头发用一条红缎带扎了起来。