- Over the past 13 years,with clearly defined objectives,we worked with one heart and one mind and scored historic achievements. 十三年来,我们思想统一,目标明确,工作扎实,取得了重大的历史性成就。
- Over the past 13 years, with clearly defined objectives, we worked with one heart and one mind and scored historic achievements. 十三年来,我们思想统一,目标明确,工作扎实,取得了重大的历史性成就。
- We support a rule-based international order with clearly defined rights and obligations. 我们支持基于规则建立的划分清晰的权利和义务的国际秩序。
- "Over the past 3 years, with clearly defined objectives, we worked with one heart and one mind and scored historic achievements." 三年来,我们思想统一,目标明确,工作扎实,取得了重大的历史性成就。
- The ideal Rottweiler is a medium large, robust and powerful dog, black with clearly defined rust markings. 理想的洛威纳犬是一个中等大小,精力充沛而且非常有力的狗,黑色配有边界清晰的铁锈色斑纹。
- Upper Shanks at right angles to the hip bones, are long, wide, and well muscled on both sides of thigh, with clearly defined stifles. 背短而坚固,有足够的宽度。腰部肌肉发达。从马肩隆到略圆的臀部,呈一直线。胸部宽阔,前胸适当隆起。
- Area education, health, parking and other ancillary facilities and owners during the renovation and refurbishing of garbage fees act with clearly defined. 小区的教育、医疗卫生、停车场等配套设施以及业主装修期间和装修垃圾的收费行为有了明确规定。
- Rottweiler breeders aim at a dog of abundant strength, black coated with clearly defined rich tan markings, whose powerful appearance does not lack nobility and which is exceptionally well suited to being a companion, service and working dog. 罗威那犬的繁殖师认为,一条罗威那犬应该具有充沛的力量,毛色油黑,并有明显的棕褐色斑纹,虽然外形勇猛,但是仍不乏高贵气质,能够出色地胜任作为伴侣犬,服务犬和工作犬的任务。
- The boundary is not clearly defined. 这疆界没有明确划定。
- The powers of the police need to be clearly defined. 必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定。
- It's advisable that they go with a clearly defined goal in mind. 他们去时最好在思想上有一个明确的目标。
- But they work best when clearly defined and with an achievable end. 如果没有达到目的,那么再诉诸武力至少也算是有理有据。
- Not clearly defined; not explicit. 难懂的,不明白的没清楚定义的,不明白物
- Standing out in a striking and clearly defined way. 引人注目的,显著的以显著和明确定义的方式予以突出的
- Don't forget to rinse the clothes with clear water. 别忘了用清水把衣物漂净。
- I saw a clearly defined shape outside the window. 我看见窗外有个清晰的影子。
- The skull is of medium length, slightly domed, with a clearly defined stop. 脑袋的长度适中,略微圆拱,止部清晰整洁。
- Water melons with clear stripes are ripe and sweet. 条纹清晰的西瓜,瓜熟味甜。
- The tree was clearly defined by the light. 这棵树被灯光清楚的描绘了出来。
- Huizhou has a long coast with clear seawater. 惠州海岸线长,海水清澈见底。