- He becomes a maimed man with all one's life. 他将终生成为一个残废人。
- He becomes a maimedman with all one's life. 他将终生成为一个残废人。
- Hoped everybody support, I completely with all one's strength will dowell, will present to the readers. 希望大家支持,我将尽全力来作到最好,以飨读者。
- In the middle excellent executive of profession, throw in the market management with all one's heart. 行业当中优秀经营者,倾心倾力投入市场经营。
- The making supply and demand market achieves with all one's strength understands, the interflow and cooperation goal mutually. 全力打造供求市场以达到相互了解、交流与合作的目的。
- It is reported that the Ulanchap city Durben Khukhut flag present is preparing for the capsule recycling with all one's strength the related work. 据悉,乌兰察布市四子王旗目前在全力备战太空舱回收的相关工作。
- At present, the Zalantun Police station criminal police production brigade is arresting suspect Jiang with all one's strength. 目前,扎兰屯市公安局刑警大队正在全力缉捕犯罪嫌疑人姜某。
- On dimensional design, stylist is setting with bright red lubricious metope, reveal the enthusiasm with young and bold and unrestrained habitant and vigor with all one's strength. 在空间设计上,设计师以大红色墙面为背景,全力彰显居住者年轻奔放的热情和活力。
- Chen Yunlin's Vian is the quite important matter, therefore “is peaceful the system leadership by the country”, the police politics unit will coordinate with all one's strength. 陈云林的维安是比较重要的事情,所以由“国安”系统主导,警政单位会全力配合。
- Inquires in state fan handkerchief Towle to expert tower Zha Ya, he wants to know that the wheat peduncle is always why unable to display with all one's strength. 在得州的球迷帕托尔向专家哈塔查亚提问,他想知道为什么麦蒂总是无法发挥出全力。
- No wonder US-led multilateral force should throw thalassic battle so agog and none hesitantly with all one's strength, because make a living,be dead remote closes completely! 无怪乎以美国为首的多国部队要那么急切而且毫不犹豫地全力投入海湾战争,完全是因为生死攸关啦!
- At present, my city related department is inspecting three deer powdered milk which with all one's strength far away, evades arrest few has not recalled. 目前,我市相关部门正在全力检查偏远的、少量漏网未召回的三鹿奶粉。
- Springlet new cabinet is pushing the economy that take to reform with all one's strength, economic depression of extremely possible also farther aggravate. 小泉新内阁正在全力推进的经济改革,也极有可能进一步加剧经济衰退。
- Local government height takes seriously, start urgent meet an urgent need beforehand case, do aftertreatment of meddlesome reason be apt to with all one's strength. 当地政府高度重视,启动紧急应急预案,全力做好事故善后处理。
- Comes Taiwan's safety control question as for Chen Yunlin, Jiang Bingkun to indicate that the Taiwan Safety and security department will maintain with all one's strength. 至于陈云林来台湾的安全保障问题,江丙坤表示,台湾安全部门会全力维护。
- I am thoroughly conversant with all the rules. 我对所有的规则了如指掌。
- He lacked F.J. 's strength of character. 他缺少琼斯那种坚强的个性。
- His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people. 他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道
- I'm fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。
- It is all one to me whether he comes or not. 他来不来对我来说都无所谓。