- The wisdom of the people is inexhaustible. 人民的智慧是无穷无尽的。
- Drink deep of the wisdom of experienced people. 要尽力吸收有阅历的人的知识。
- By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people. 他们因犯罪而激起人民的愤怒。
- The day is not far off when we shall have to plunge back in search of the wisdom of the people. 我们必须猛回头来寻求人民的智慧,这日子已经不远了。
- They are the wit and wisdom of the place. 他们是当地的能人贤士。
- All his life he strove for the good of the people. 他一辈子都为人民的利益而奋斗。
- Of the wisdom of this maxim Mr. Slope was ignorant. 斯洛普先生对这句至理名言的明智之处一无所知。
- The people are growing weary of the war. 人民对这场战争越来越厌倦了。
- A politician should be a servant of the people. 政治家应是人民的公仆。
- The rascal lives on the credulity of the people. 那个流氓靠行骗为生。
- A supporter of the rights and power of the people. 人民党主义者人民权利与权力的支持者
- He knew the pulse of the people. 他了解人民的意向。
- Anarchy does not accord with the interests or wishes of the people. 无政府状态不符合人民的利益和愿望。
- We should learn the wisdom of the Bolsheviks. 我们应该学习的是布尔什维克的聪明。
- The result prove the wisdom of the act. 结果证明行动是否明智。
- The people were in point or verge of the ding stayed proceedings. 要不是国王阻止,人民正准备发起暴动。
- The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible. 群众的智慧是无穷的。
- It is essential to rally the broad masses of the people round. 把广大人民群众团结起来是极为重要的。
- The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God. 女人的裸体是上帝的杰作。
- Her parents disapproved of the people she was mixed up with. 她的父母不喜欢与她交往的那些人。