- wireless industrial network 工业无线网络
- Wireless industrial networks 工业无线网络
- wireless industrial control network 无线工业控制网络
- HARTING, founded in 1945, is the global connector production and industrial network technology leader. HARTING成立于1945年,是全球连接器生产及工业网络科技的领导者。
- The third chpater focuses on the network management. It includes the SNMP management model, SMI and the function of industrial network management. 第三章主要介绍网络管理的基本概念、基于SNMP工业以太网网管系统组成和功能,分析并比较了现有的几种基于不同协议的网络拓扑发现算法。
- Interbus-S is an open architecture, high performing, ring based fieldbus system used in many of today's industrial network applications. more... Interbus的- S是一个开放的架构,高性能,基于现场总线系统环在今天的网络应用 , 许多工业应用。更多...
- The foundation for this development is the advancing use of industrial network components, which are based on a mature and open technology, like TCP/IP and Ethernet. 这个技术的发展基础就是建立在使用了先进的基于成熟和开放技术的工业网络成分,就和现有的TCP/IP网络协议和以太网一样。
- The wireless industry, meanwhile, has taken on SMIL as a means of enriching its current text-based messaging technology. 同时,无线业界把SMIL看作一种丰富其当前基于文本的消息传递技术的方法。
- The wireless industry came up with the idea of WAP. The point of this standard was to show internet contents on wireless clients, like mobile phones. 无线产业提出了WAP的概念。这个标准的作用是在像手机这样的无线用户端口上显示英特网上的内容。
- It was opposed by the wireless industry, which said there has never been any evidence that the open process invited anticompetitive behavior. 公告引起了无线公司们的强烈反对,他们说这样做没有证据显示公开竞拍采取了某些反竞争措施。
- According to CTIA, the wireless industry’s trade group based in Washington, there are 262 million wireless subscribers in the United States. 据总部设在华盛顿的从事无线业贸易的CTIA集团报告,在美国有2.;62亿无线用户。
- An elevator group control system(EGCS) based on industrial network is introduced. Three-layer networks of EtherNet/IP. ControlNet. 介绍了基于工业网络的电梯群控系统,该系统采用三层网络结构即以太网(EtherNet/IP)、控制网(ControlNet)、设备网(DeviceNet)完成电梯群控,实现了多电梯运行优化控制及数据监控。
- By enabling discovery and delivery of high-value content, BREW creates opportunities for the wireless industry to enhance consumers'mobile data experience. 由于可以发现和传递高价值的内容,BREW为无线行业创造了增强用户移动数据体验的机遇。
- By enabling the discovery and delivery of high-value content, BREW creates opportunities for the wireless industry to enhance consumers'mobile data experience. 它通过发掘和提供高价值的内容,为无线行业创造了增强用户对移动数据体验的机遇。
- Hu KINGSTEK and around the name, a purge of the iron and steel industry network roll out slowly. 而围绕胡士泰这个名字,一场钢铁业的整肃大网缓缓铺开。
- The NCAP uses an ARM processor to control STIM and process data from STIM.NCAP can also communicate with variable industrial networks. 在网络适配器中使用ARM处理器对智能变送器接口模块进行控制并对传来数据进行处理,且与各种工业网络进行通信。
- Ratified in 1997, the original 802.11 standard united the wireless industry by defining a low-level protocol architecture that worked with conventional upper-layer enterprise protocol stacks. 最初的802.;11标准是在1997年提出的,通过定义能与常规的上层企业协议组一起工作的低级协议体系结构,把无线行业团结起来了。
- But since 2007, the industry network advertisement such as finance, fast consumable throws flying growth, amplitude exceeds 100% . 但是2007年以来,金融、快速消费品等行业网络广告投入飞速增长,增幅超过100%25。
- With the selection of pluggable SFP modules, care needs to be taken that these are also designed for the operating conditions of industrial networks. 除选择可插拔的SFP模块,还需注意这些也是为工业网络的操作条件特别设计。
- With the wireless industry pushing towards higher levels of integration,employing more sys-tem-in-a-pack age(SIP)and multi-chip modules(MCM),known-good-die testing of RF-SOC devices has emerged as an im portant test challenge. 随着无线通讯产业推动芯片集成度的不断提高,系统级封装(SIP)和多芯片组件(MCM)被更多采用,射频系统级芯片(RF-SOC)器件的良品测试已成为一大挑战。