- wireless body sensor networks 无线躯体传感网络
- Topic: Wearable medical devices and body sensor networks for m-health 用于移动保健系统的可穿戴式医疗仪器与传感躯域网
- Power-Efficient Node Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. 无线传感器网络中基于模式序列分类的分布式数据流过滤方法.
- This paper introduced a security scheme for wireless sensor networks. 摘要提出了一种无线传感器网络安全方案。
- body sensor networks 躯域传感网络
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. 美国计算机学会传感网络汇刊。
- Wireless sensor networks(WSN) are novel technologies,and can be applied to both abominable and military environments. 无线传感器网络是一种全新的技术,能够广泛应用于恶劣环境和军事领域中。
- To improve the energy efficiency is one key problem of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) research. 摘要提高能量效率是无线传感器网络研究的关键技术之一。
- Presented a key predistribution scheme based on hierarchical grid which is suitable for wireless sensor networks. 基于分层网格提出了一种新的适用于无线传感器网络的密钥预分配方案。
- Nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN) use batteries as their energy supply, which restrains their energy consumption. 摘要由于无线传感器网络节点使用干电池和纽扣电池供电的特点,限制了网络节点能量的使用。
- Our scheme can deal with both group key and pairwise key, which are the same important for wireless sensor networks. 我们的这个机制同时考虑到了群体金钥以及成对金钥。
- This paper proposes AMAC, an adaptive MAC protocol designed for wireless sensor networks. 摘要提出了一种自适应的无线传感器网络MAC协议-AMAC。
- Due to resource constraints of wireless sensor node, key management in wireless sensor networks is nontrivial. 因为无线感测节点的资源非常有限,所以使的金钥管理不是那麽容易。
- Reducing power consumption and prolonging the network lifetime were important targets of wireless sensor networks. 摘要降低能耗、延长网络生存时间,是无线传感器网络设计的重要目标。
- Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is a novel technology about acquiring and processing information. 摘要无线传感器网络是一门获取和处理信息的新兴技术。
- From the viewpoint of protocol security, the pairwise key establishment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is analyzed. 摘要本文从协议安全性的角度分析了无线传感器网络的对偶密钥建立过程。
- Data aggregation is an important research area in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN). 数据融合是无线传感器网络中重要的研究领域之一。
- This paper introduces the techniques in the key management, secure multicast, secure data aggregation, and secure localization of wireless sensor networks. 摘要介绍并分析了无线传感器网络中密钥管理、安全组播、安全数据聚集和安全定位等问题的研究现状。
- These analysis and computation results have direct reference value for nodes and system design of wireless sensor networks. 该文研究结果对于无线传感器网络节点设计和系统设计都具有直接的参考价值。
- The project on Great Duck Island successfully tested these and other ideas for making the most of wireless sensor networks on this scale. 大鸭岛上的计画成功地测试了上述及其他的概念,让这种尺度的无线感测网络发挥最大的功能。