- wireless Ad Hoe networks (WANETs) 无线自组织网
- Analyze on mobility of dynamic source routing protocol in wireless Ad hoe networks 无线自组织网络中动态源路由协议的移动性分析
- wireless Ad Hoe networks 无线自组网络
- wireless ad hoe network 无线自组网
- Wireless Ad hoe network(MANET) 无线移动自组织网络
- Vehicular Ad Hoe Networks(VANET) 车载自组网(VANET)
- Does DiffServ work well in wireless ad hoc networks? 网络中区分服务存在的问题研究?
- mobile ad hoe networks 移动自组网
- Deterministic Ad hoe networks 确定性自组织网络
- So BSR is an efficient multipathprotocol in wireless ad hoc networks. 因此,BSR 协议是一种有效的多径路由协议。
- Vehicular ad hoe networks 车载自组网
- Ad Hoe Networks AdHoc网络
- MANET(Mobile Ad hoe Network) MANET
- mobile ad hoe network 移动自组网
- MSR(Multi-path Source Routing) is a routing protocol used in wireless Ad hoc networks, which is based on DSR. MSR协议是一种基于DSR协议的无线Adhoc网络路由协议。
- Mobile Ad Hoe Network(MANET) 移动自组网
- Data transmit between the concentrator and the collector in the form of wireless ad hoc networks. 集中器到采集器之间采用无线自组织网络进行数据传输。
- ad hoe network 自组网
- Due to its easiness of construction and host mobility, Wireless Ad hoc networks will be widely used in the real world. 因其容易构建、支持用户移动性的特点,使得它在实际生活中有着非常广阔的应用前景。
- mobile Ad hoe network (MANET) 移动无线自组织网络