- winter white radish [long cylindrical] 长圆白萝卜
- winter white radish 长圆白萝卜
- Lie side by side in the soft winter white. 并肩躺在这松软的冬日积雪上。
- The dried white radish chips can add a sunny, fresh taste to meat soups. 放一点乾的白萝卜片到肉汤里,会有种阳光的清香喔!
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian is sometimes also known as the Siberian Hamster. 有时,多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠也被叫做西伯利亚仓鼠。
- Cut the white radish, carrot and string bean to strip, blanch in the boiled water until cooked, then set aside. 白萝卜,胡萝卜,刀豆切成条状,煮熟后待用。
- Ingredients: Organic Featured white radish, carrot, radish leaves, Lappa, mushrooms. 精选有机白萝卜、红萝卜、萝卜叶、牛蒡、香菇。
- In addition, the white radish contains about 90% of the water after eating the concentration of alcohol can be diluted. 此外,白萝卜中还含有约90%25的水分,吃后可以稀释酒精的浓度。
- Peel white radish off, cut into thin slices. Rinse and cut baby cabbage into thin pieces. 白萝卜去皮,切薄片。娃娃菜洗净切细件。
- Of cool white radish Gan Weixin can Xiaoji food, detoxification, phlegm heat, for this type of crowd is the best food. 白萝卜性凉味辛甘,可消积食、解毒、化痰热,对这一类人群是最好的食物。
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is so called because of its tendency to turn white in the winter. 多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠的得名,是由于它的毛色会在冬季变白。
- Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters do not normally breed when in their winter white coat. 视个体不同,毛色有的会变浅,有的会部分变白,有的则会全部变白。
- Dusted in winter white, a timeworn cypress looms over Long Lake, some 10,000 feet up in the Min Mountains. 在蒙上了一层白色的冬天,一棵老圬的柏树呈现在岷山中约10000英尺(3048米)高处的长海上。
- These habits include drinking more green tea, eating more tomatoes, eating no "photosensitivity vegetables" such as celery, coriander and white radish. 其实,好的习惯有时会胜过防晒霜,如多喝绿茶、多吃西红柿、尽量不吃芹菜、香菜、白萝卜等"感光"蔬菜。
- Mantled in winter white, 9,176-foot-tall Mount Ruapehu (foreground) reigns over Tongariro National Park. 覆盖在冬季积雪之下,这座9176英尺高的鲁阿佩胡火山(新西兰北岛中南部)占据了大部分的Tongariro国家公园。
- Bacon release will be a long spicy flavor, cook bacon in place when a white radish, and then cooking, to remove the pungent flavor. 咸肉放时间长了会有一股辛辣味,在煮咸肉时放一个白萝卜,然后再烹调,辛辣味即可除去。
- Especially in the cultivation of Inner Mongolia Yuancong, carrots and white radish foreign clients receive the unanimous recognition. 特别是在内蒙的种植的元葱、胡萝卜、白萝卜得到国外客户的一致认可。
- Thus, those who drink alcohol should blush easily eat some food that can protect the esophagus, white radish is the best choice. 因此,那些喝酒容易脸红的人应该多吃一些可以保护食道的食物,白萝卜就是最好的选择。
- Both the Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster and the Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster are sometimes labelled as Djungarian Hamsters. 多瓦夫坎贝尔俄罗斯仓鼠和多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠有时都被称作加卡利亚仓鼠。
- In captivity the Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is a sociable pet and will live with another of its own kind if they are introduced when young. 最为宠物的多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠之间如果在幼年时便相互熟悉,那么它们便可以在一起很好的生活。