- Alpine skiing is the key item of business for us to develop winter tourism. 高山滑雪是我们这里开展冬季旅游的拳头项目。
- Hainan and the Chinese New Year is the height of winter tourism, winter in Hainan to become a fashionable Guo Danian. 而春节又是海南冬季旅游的最高潮,冬季到海南过大年成为一种时髦。
- His anorak has stood him in good stead this winter. 他这件带兜帽的夹克在今年冬天对他很有用。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- A squirrel hoards nuts for the winter. 松鼠为过冬贮藏坚果。
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- Winter is the off-season for tourism. 冬天是旅游淡季。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。
- The island has been ruined by tourism. 该岛毁在旅游业上了。
- The rich people often migrate in winter to Florida. 有钱的人常在冬季搬迁到佛罗里达州去。
- The bears den up together during the winter. 冬天熊一起在洞穴里冬眠。
- Winter is the coldest season in a year. 冬季是一年中最冷的季节。
- Tourism is at its peak in August. 旅游业在八月份达到高峰。
- The country's economy is dependent on tourism. 该国经济依赖於旅游业。
- They have to skimp on fuel in winter. 冬天他们得节省燃料。
- Tourism was then still in its infant stage. 旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。
- The island has been untouched by tourism. 该岛未受旅游业的影响。
- They worked on the building all through the winter. 他们一冬都在建这座楼。
- It is good to be able to cast aside winter clothes. 能把冬衣搁在一边了,真好。
- I stored away all the winter clothes this morning. 今天上午我把所有冬天的衣服都收好了。