- It was a period of rest and recuperation. 那是一段休养的时间。
- He feels completely restored to health after a period of rest. 休息了一段时间后,他感到自己已完全恢复了健康。
- Study should be sandwiched with periods of rest. 学习中间应安插一些休息时间。
- Study should be sandwiched with periods of rest . 学习中间应安插一些休息时间。
- After a long period of rest, away Hage in a war against Liverpool substitute appearance officially back, and then Weilalier game, he is the first battle. 经过长时间的休养,哈格在客场对利物浦一战替补出场正式复出,随后对维拉里尔和的比赛,他均是首发上阵。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- She broke down from lack of rest. 她因缺乏休息而衰弱。
- When a seafarer is on call, such as when a machinery space is unattended, the seafarer shall have an adequate compensatory rest period if the normal period of rest is disturbed by call-outs to work. 在某一海员处于随时待命的情况下,例如机舱处于无人看管时,如果海员因被招去工作而打扰了正常的休息时间,则应给予充分的补休。
- Occurring during the period of winter. 整个冬天里发生的
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- It was so happy and butter, like sleepwalking like summer, so happy and easy to flow through every day.I believe this period of rest will enable us to better the state of access to learning. 就这样快乐又像梦游般似的暑假,让快乐与轻松流遍每一天.;相信这一段时间的休息;可以使我们以更好的状态进入学习
- Which period of history are you studying? 你正在学哪一段历史?
- A period of temporary inactivity or rest. 休息暂时闲散或休息的时间
- The period of the winter solstice, about December22. 冬至冬季的至点,大约在12月22日
- You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed. 你应该在治疗之後好好卧床休息。
- As long periods of rest and training are out of the question,the only thing to do is to try and avoid certain engagements if possible and thus gain time for training. 长时间的休息训练是不可能的,只有设法避开一些战斗,争取时间训练,看可能否。
- This was the most difficult period of his life. 这是他一生中最艰难的时期。
- A condition, time, or period of flowering. 花期一种开花的状态、一段开花的时间或时期
- As long periods of rest and training are out of the question, the only thing to do is to try and avoid certain engagements if possible and thus gain time for training. 长时间的休息训练是不可能的,只有设法避开一些战斗,争取时间训练,看可能否。
- There may be a period of food rationing this winter. 今年冬天可能定量配给食物。