- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- He did not crack down his revolutionary left wing. 他没有整治那些不安本份的左翼分子。
- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 云雀在空中飞翔,蜗牛伸出触角爬行。
- The riot police started to crack down on them. 防暴警察开始对他们采取镇压行动。
- A stray bullet winged the boy's right arm. 一颗流弹打伤了男孩的右臂。
- You'll crack up if you go on working so hard. 你继续这样拚命干下去,身体会吃不消的。
- The house was winged on the left side. 房子的左边造了厢房。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- Have another crack at solving this puzzle. 再试一试把这个难题解决了吧。
- She made a crack about his fatness. 她取笑他肥胖。
- A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage. 羽、翼或鳍状结构羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬着物
- There is a crack in this window. 这扇窗户上有个裂纹。
- She got up at the crack of dawn. 天刚亮她便起床了。
- Mary found knitting a hard nut to crack. 玛丽发现编织并非易事。
- The car has had a new wing welded on. 这辆汽车焊接了一个新的翼子板。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- The house was enlarged with a new wing. 增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。
- The nearside wing was damaged in the collision. 汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了。
- A seagull fluttered down with an injured wing. 一只海鸥拍打着翅膀飞落下来。