- The windy and dusty weather coarsened her skin. 风沙的气候使她的皮肤粗糙了。
- It's very windy and dusty here in winter. 这里冬天风沙很大。
- One spring it was very windy and dusty here. 有一年春天这里风沙很大。
- Is it windy and dusty in spring ? 春天有风沙吗?
- Sometimes it is windy and dusty in spring here. 这里的春天有时候有风沙。
- Is it windy and dusty in spring? 春天有风沙吗?
- Be it windy and dusty in spring? 春天有风沙吗?
- It's very windy and dusty here in spring. 这里春天风沙很大。
- Usually we don't have so many windy and dusty days.Also,the summer is never so hot as this is. 一般来说我们那儿风沙没这么大,夏天也没这么热。
- Usually we don't have so many windy and dusty days.Also, the summer is never so hot as this is. 一般来说我们那儿风沙没这么大,夏天也没这么热。
- New Methods to Curb Windy and Dusty Disaster 平抑风沙灾害的新方法
- Studying windy and Dusty Weather Feature in Taiyuan 太原风沙天气特征研究
- Drought-resistance and High-yield Cultural Techniques of Maize in Windy and Dusty Semiarid Zone 风沙半干旱区玉米抗旱高产栽培技术研究
- The weather is windy and cloudy. 天气多云并且有风。
- It was a windy and moonless night. 那晚风大,月也黑。
- It's very windy and cold in spring. 听第二段对话,完成第13至15题。
- The night was windy and flew on black wings. 夜晚风很大,就象鼓着漆黑的翅膀。
- They were in Australia. It was windy and dry. 他们在澳大利亚,风很大,并且非常干燥。
- The weather continued windy and rainy. 天气仍持续刮风刮风、下雨。
- Why was Candlestick Park so windy and gusty? 埃德尔斯蒂克公园里为什么会有那么多的强劲阵风?