- Investigation and discuss on the wind vibration factor, equivalent wind load, the maximum of displacement, the maximum of displacement acceleration and the standard deviation of toplevel displacement. 研究和探讨了风振系数、等效风荷载和楼层最大位移、楼层最大加速度以及顶层位移标准差,并与我国的现有规范进行了对比。
- wind vibration factors 风振系数
- wind vibration factor 风振系数
- The mechanism of wind vibration control of single tube cone steel towers using tuned spring mass damper(called TSD)has been studied. 针对调频弹簧质量阻尼器(TSD)对单管圆锥钢塔风振控制的机理作了深入研究。
- In this paper, the vibration problem of a chimney is studied from the aspects of chimney frequencies, wind vibration frequencies and Reynolds number. 本文从烟囱频率、风振频率和雷诺数三方面研究了该烟囱的振动问题。
- The computational results show that the TMD is very efficient for controlling wind vibration acceleration of structures. 算例表明TMD对高层钢结构风振加速度的控制是十分有效的。
- When pre-compression is loose the winding vibration acceleration will enlarge.On the other hand, the principle of core magnetostriction and its influencing factors are presented. 从磁体物理学的概念出发,本文分析了引起铁心振动的磁致伸缩的原理以及影响因素。
- The conclusion demonstrates that the pulsating wind load is a vary harmful for the structure of ACSR,and the suggested coefficient of wind vibration was given. 研究成果不仅验证了脉动风荷载对这种结构是一种非常不利的荷载形式;而且给出了这种结构风振系数的建议取值.
- In the analysis of wind vibration,multi-modes and corre-modes need to be considered for the reticulated shell(RS)structures due to the closely spaced natural frequencies. 网壳结构具有模态分布密集的特点,在风振计算中,通常需要考虑多个模态的贡献,甚至需要考虑模态互相关的影响。
- When the skybridge rigidity is weak comparing with that of the buildings, the wind vibration analysis and wind resistant analysis become very important in the design of skybridge. 因此当连廊的刚度与主体建筑刚度相比较弱时,连廊的风振分析与抗风设计往往成为设计中的关键问题之一。
- The results show that the responses of earthquake and random wind vibration are reduced by 10% after adding viscous dampers,and responses of random wind vibration are reduced by 50% after adding viscous dampers. 结果表明;加黏滞阻尼器后;结构的地震反应减小10%25左右;风振反应减小50%25左右.
- In order to reduce the "wind vibration" and steel dosage,this paper chooses the Ball Vibration Absorber(BVA) to be mounted on the top of the structure to reduce the response of displacement after comparing various kinds of control equipments. 为了有效抑制“风振”、降低用钢量,本文在比较多种被动控制装置的基础上提出在结构顶部安装钢球动力减振器(Ball Vibration Absorber)来减小位移反应。
- In the paper, the design and calculation method of active control for wind vibration responses of the 86-storey T & C Tower building by use of the V-shape AMD in Gaoxiong city of Taiwan are presented. 本文提出了V型AMD对台湾高雄86层的T&C Tower大楼风振反应主动控制的设计方案和设计计算方法.
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The round cross-section rods in quayside container crane are very easy to induce wind resonance,and the main form of the rod wind vibration is crosswind vibration,especially the vortex vibration. 岸边起重机的圆截面杆件容易发生风致振动,风致振动的主要表现形式为横风向的振动,其中以涡激振动为主,强烈的风振能引起杆件两端节点板应力集中部位的疲劳开裂。
- Based on the results of model tests, this article deals with the rain wind vibrations of stay cables, mainly from the aspect of theoretic analysis. 本文针对风雨激振现象,结合模型试验的结果,从理论分析的角度尝试建立拉索节段的二维力学模型。