- wind farm sitting 风电场选址
- The farm sits on the side of the hill. 农场位于山坡上。
- Short list of optimized wind farm layouts. 优化风电场布机列表。
- The farm sits on top of the hill. 那个农场在山顶上。
- Next to the Daban Wind Farm in Xinjiang. 中国第二大风电场。
- Create simulations of the wind farm layouts. 生成风电场布机模拟。
- JUSTCALLMEAUSTIN yeee knotts scary farm sat. with a cast hahah 星期四。
- Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms. 风力农场分向岸和向海两种形式。
- Plans to build the largest wind farm in the world in the Thames Estuary have been submitted. 英国3家公司日前联合向英国有关部门提交了一项计划,拟耗资15亿英镑在泰晤士河河口建造一座世界上最大的风力发电厂。
- And farmers may be able to earn extra money by charging visitors to see their wind farm. 农民也可以通过向想参观他们风场的游客收费来赚取额外收入。
- Fruges, France, January 9, 2009--Workers put last touches on a wind turbine in a wind farm in northern France. 2009年1月9日,法国,弗吕日---在法国北部的一座风力发电厂,工人们在对风力涡轮机做最后的检查。
- Two boys play in a wind farm when it opens to the public in Berton, UK, June 14, 2008. 6月14日,在英国伦敦北部小镇伯顿,两名小男孩在一家风能农场玩耍。
- Among proposals that have already been scrapped is a plan for a 27-turbine wind farm in the Lake District. 在已经废弃的提议中有一个是计划在雷克区修建一个由27个涡轮发电机组成的农场。
- Greenpeace's Liang adds that “all the good wind farm locations are now owned by the biggest energy companies. “绿色和平”组织的良(音)补充道,“如今拥有所有优良风力发电场地的都是最大的能源公司。”
- The Fish and Wildlife Service issued voluntary siting guidelines last summer, indicating that a census of wildlife activity should precede the building of a wind farm. 去年夏天,渔业与野生物局颁布了志愿性的选址纲领,指出在筹建风力电厂之前,应先进行野生生物活动的调查。
- Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity. 现代风力农场由发电的涡轮机组成。
- Optimise a wind farm layout based on wind resource map, site constraints, interaction with other projects, capacity, etc. 结合风资源地图、现场条件及其它项目、容量等对风电场布机优化。
- The local government invested a lot to build off-shore wind farms. 当地政府为建设海上风电厂,投入了大量资金。
- The wind farm will include standard pad-mount transformers, underground collection systems and feeds into the new substation. 该风力厂将包括标准的垫式安装的变压器,传输到新变电站的地下采集系统。
- There is no offshore wind farm yet in the U.S., but the controversial Cape Wind project near Nantucket Island is moving closer to approval. 美国还没有离岸风电厂,但是颇具争议的、靠近楠塔基特岛的鳕鱼岬海上风电厂项目即将获得批准。