- wild water plant 天然水草
- The wild water had swept the garden away. 狂暴的洪水把花园扫荡一空。
- A water plant, especially seaweed. 水生植物,尤指海草
- Buying Equipment For Mineral Water Plant. 乌克兰求购矿泉水设备。
- A water plant,especially seaweed. 水生植物,尤指海草
- Or bungee jumping or may be go for wild water rafting? 还是高空弹跳或激流泛舟?
- In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant! 在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草
- The Egyptians wrote on a kind of material made of a water plant. 之前埃及人是书写在一种由水生植物制造的材料上的。
- But the sea was very rough and our little boat could not live for long in thad wild water. 但大海太粗暴了,我们的小船在这样的大浪中根本没法长时间航行。
- The garden that was once so beautiful was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water. 曾经美丽的花园被彻底毁坏了,被洪水洗劫一空。
- You only need to water plants every other day. 你只需每隔一天浇一次水。
- I rode the wave to the ocean.As I floundered in the wild water, I saw a rope dangling into the water. 我乘着浪,游进大海洋,我正扑腾在水面上,就看到一条救命绳子从天降。
- Application of Touch Screen Technology in Real-time Control of Water Plant. 触摸屏技术在水厂实时监控中的应用。
- Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs? 神奇的高地水生植物及其特性?
- The Thirty Mile River was wide open.Its wild water defied the frost, and it was in the eddies only and in the quiet places that the ice held at all. 三十里河没结一点冰,狂流根本没把严寒当回事,只有在水涡和平静的地方才结冰。
- Those water plants also can transfer solar energy to microbe and make oxygen to be the nutrition of fishes, shrimps, forests and wild animals. 这些植物还可将太阳能转换微生物量及制造氧气,来提供鱼、虾、森林、野生动物赖以维生的养分。
- African sedge widely cultivated as an ornamental water plant for its terminal umbrellalike cluster of slender grasslike leaves. 一种非洲莎草,叶细长,成顶生的大轮状排列,且常作为一个水生植物栽培。
- Around him darkness, fog, solitude, the stormy and nonsentient tumult, the undefined curling of those wild waters. 在他四周的是夜色、暮霭、寂寥、奔腾放逐的骚乱、起伏不停的怒涛。
- Care for and water plants at Common Areas and Lobby. 维护公共区域和大堂的植物。