- Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 维基媒体基金会
- ORG]Broda O.Barnes M.D.Research Foundation Inc. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [BRODABARNES.
- Human genome, the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., the free encyclopedia. 人类基因组,维基百科,自由的百科全书。
- The Wikimedia Foundation does not guarantee that a name will be changed on request. 维基媒体基金会不保证您要求名字就一定会被修改。
- The Wikimedia Foundation makes no guarantee against unauthorized access to any information you provide. 维基媒体基金会不担保你提供的任何信息不受到未授权访问。
- To the chair of Wikimedia Foundation, her legal counsel, or her designee, when necessary for investigation of abuse complaints. 在需要对滥用投诉进行调查时,发布给维基媒体基金会的主席,他的法律顾问,或者他的指派人。
- A specific Wikimedia Foundation project in a certain language or a multilingual project, such as English Wikipedia, French Wikisource, or Meta. 维基媒体基金会的在一个语言或多个语言的项目,如英文维基百科,法文维基百科,元维基。
- An important issue with regard to grants and donations is that the Wikimedia Foundation has finally been classified as a public charity, and granted tax exempt status by the IRS. 有关馈赠和捐款的一项重要议题是维基媒体基金会终于被美国国税局确认为公共慈善机构,并因此获得免税待遇。
- In December 2004, servers donated to the Wikimedia Foundation were installed at the Telecity facility located in Aubervilliers on the outskirts of Paris, France. 在2004年12月,捐赠给维基媒体基金会的服务器被安装在了位于法国巴黎市郊奥伯尔维利亚的Telecity facility。
- Aplastic anemia occurs when bone marrow stops producing enough blood cells, said Katherine Baer, a patient information specialist for the Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation Inc. 为再生障碍性贫血和MDS国际基金会工作的病人信息方面的专家KatherineBaer说,再障是由于骨髓不能产生足够的血细胞。
- HONG KONG - According to the official website of Wikimedia Foundation, The Board of Trustees of the Foundation officially recognized Wikimedia Hong Kong Limited as a Wikimedia Chapter. 据维基媒体基金会官方网站正式公布,香港维基媒体协会有限公司已于获维基媒体基金会之理事会,认可为维基媒体的正式地方分会。
- "Wikimania is the one time each year when Wikimedia volunteers from all over the world gather together in a single location," said Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Sue Gardner. “维基是一时间,每年当维基媒体志愿者来自世界各地聚集在一个单一的位置,说: ”维基媒体基金会的执行董事控告加德纳。
- A newly announced collaboration between the Wikimedia Foundation, the United Nations University and Maastricht University has set out to conduct the first-ever, comprehensive survey of Wikipedia. 新宣布了一项合作计划维基媒体基金会,联合国大学和马斯特里赫特大学已制定进行有史以来第一次,全面的调查,维基百科的。
- According to Sue Gardner, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, UNU-MERIT is a good research partner as it has a track record of intelligent research into global volunteer communities. 根据控告加德纳,执行主任维基媒体基金会,联合国大学的好处是一个很好的研究伙伴,因为它记录的智能化研究融入全球社区义工。
- Earth Against Apartheid Foundation, Inc. 全球反对种族隔离基金会
- Wang Zhen is the general manager of WINTIM Inc. 王震是问天公司的总经理。
- SATKO Telecommunications Systems Management Inc. 电信系统管理公司。
- That rumor has no foundation in fact. 那谣传没有事实根据。
- The rumor was without foundation. 那条谣言毫无根据。
- Computer Associates International Inc. 计算机联合国际公司