- Why should you be so interested in my affairs? 你为何对我的事这么感兴趣?
- Why should I get up at this unearthly hour? 为什麽我得这麽早起床?
- Why should I trouble to explain it all? 为什麽我得费事都解释一遍呢?
- Why should we give you special treatment? 凭什麽要我们对你特殊照顾?
- Why should you beat around the bush when asking for better wages? 你要求加薪又何必拐弯抹角呢?
- Why should you beat about the bush when asking for better wages? 你要求加薪又何必拐弯抹角呢?
- Why should you get involved in their fray? 你为什么要介入他们的争吵呢?
- Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes? 我为什麽要代人受过?
- Why should he get all the credit? 为什么他受到了所有人的赞扬?
- Why should the handicappedbe segregated from the able-bodied? 为什么要把伤残人士和身体健康的人分开?
- Why should you be so early today? 今天怎么来得这么早?
- Why should you sin against modesty? 你怎么不谦虚一点呀?
- Why should you pick on me to do the chores? 你为什么非要挑我去干那些杂事呢?
- Why should he have to prove his loyalty to you? 为什么他必须向你证实他的忠诚?
- Why should the many are oppressed by the few? 为什么多数人竟会受少数人压迫?
- Why should those decisions be left with her? 为什么那些决定应该让她来作?
- Why should you strain at a few casual remarks? 何必为随口说说的话大惊小怪呢?
- Why should we prolong this painful interview? 我们何必把这次痛苦的谈话继续下去呢?
- Why should you spring my cricket bat? 你干吗非弄弯我的板球拍呢?
- Why should he frighten them away? 他为什么要把它们吓飞了哪?