- White smoke rose from the chimneys. 烟囱里冒着白烟。
- Puffs of white smoke came from the chimney. 烟囱冒出了袅袅白烟。
- Shi xing that white smoke then do you understand? 试想,白烟当年的你若是理解?
- White smoke, I remember many, many things. 白烟,我记得许多许多的事情。
- Clouds of white smoke puffed up against the blue sky. 一团团白色烟云升上蓝天。
- The grenade just near my foot hissed white smoke, but it didn't explode. 就落在我脚边的那颗手榴弹嘶嘶地冒着白烟,可它并没爆炸。
- The Northampton's three turrets thundered out white smoke and pale fire. “诺思安普敦号”三座炮塔轰隆隆地冒出白烟和淡淡的火光。
- Then from the riverboat came a cloud of white smoke, and then another Boom! 只见船上升起一股白烟,随后又是一声“轰”。
- A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite. 一缕白烟消散,一只水鸭子像断线的风筝,从半空中坠下。
- Milk white smoke was stinking thinly and smokily as rolling up in puffs from the nattierblue flames. 在淡青色的火焰中,一股一股乳白色的含着稀薄的呛人的臭味的烟袅袅上升。
- Shots one after another, high-level hotel room windows out of the thick white smoke. 中英文对照:枪声此起彼伏,饭店高层房间窗户冒出浓浓的白烟。
- Shrouded in white smoke, the peat soil still smoulders under the blackened tree-stumps. 笼罩在白烟中的泥炭土仍闷在一个个烧黑的树桩下。
- White smoke from an early age had lost his mother, her father is a dumb Lache Tai's hard. 原来白烟从小就没有了母亲,是哑巴父亲把她辛苦拉扯大的。
- White smoke seems a bit shocked, and close to a successful, they are so sweet, no longer see the beauty of the bizarre. 白烟似是震惊了一下,贴近了成功,他们是如此的甜蜜,再也看不见稀奇古怪的美景了。
- Pa Toad asunder the bird with a wind technique. The bird explodes into white smoke. 火球从鸣人口中喷出,把召唤搜烧焦了
- The shells burst in the air, billowing white smoke before dropping the phosphorus shell. 一些炮弹在以军投掷白磷弹前就于空中爆炸,散发出大量的白色烟雾。
- Backing up the troops, mobile artillery units fired shells that exploded in veils of white smoke over Gaza's urban skyline. 星期天,以色列士兵主要是在被加沙武装分子用于投放于以色列城市的地区战斗。
- I look at the dainty antique incense burner and the white smoke from the golden yellow vessel.I feel reverence.My hearts quiets down. 我注意古意盎然的香炉,自澄黄中冒出绵延不绝的白烟,觉得内心有一种平和的虔敬,整个心沉定下来;
- At this time, the eyes of white smoke appears to be sweating like tears rolling down and why suffering is always unfortunate fall on the crowd? 这时候,白烟的眼里似是冒汗般的泪珠滚滚而落,为何苦难总是落在不幸的人群里?
- Always so long, let alone more lonely, I do not know why white smoke, do not look Look at the success, they entered the study. 总是如此的漫长,会让孤单的人更寂寞,白烟不知何故,瞧也不瞧一眼成功,便进入了书房。