- A white lead pigment, sometimes used in cosmetics. 铅白一种白色铅颜料,有时用于化妆品制造
- white lead paper 碳酸铅浸过的滤纸
- White lead was listed as poisons with antidotes about A. 这些文字说明了铅中毒在古罗马非常普遍。
- The Whites lead a cat-and-dog life. 怀特一家过着吵架的生活。
- Insert lead wires. Insert the white lead wire on the right side. Insert the black wire on the left. 插入导联线:白色导联线插右侧;黑色导联线插入左侧。
- Lead, bis(carbonato (2-))dihydroxy;Lead carbonate, basic;Lead subcarbonate;White lead;basic lead carbonate ... 碳酸二羟铅;碱式碳酸铅;珠光粉;铅白;白铅粉香港
- White lead;basic lead carbonate (2pbco3.pb(oh)2);berl ... silver white;white lead, hydrocerussite;lead(ii) carb ... 碳酸二羟铅;碱式碳酸铅;珠光粉;铅白;白铅...香港
- The invention advises to use white LED luminescent diode. 本发明目的在于:实现冰箱照明灯的更加节能和长寿。
- I ert lead wires. I ert the white lead wire on the right side. I ert the black wire on the left. 黑色导联线插入左侧。
- A major production company is writing paper, coated white cardboard, Kraft Liner Board, two-sided offset paper, corrugated cardboard, gypsum retaining the leading paper of the paper. 公司是一家主要生产书写纸、涂布白卡纸、牛皮箱板纸、双胶纸、瓦楞纸、石膏护面纸的纸业龙头。
- With world leading paper making technology, we produce high-qualityBBRR auto filter paper and muti-use special paper.BBRR advanced filter paper world! 河北美波尔纸业有限公司采用美国波尔的世界领先的造纸技术,采用进口纯正木浆生产出过滤精度高,品质优良的美波尔汽车滤纸和多用途特种纸。美波尔高级滤纸滤化世界!
- We introduce world leading paper making equipment and inspection instumet to ensure the products qulefied rateto reach 100%. 河北美波尔纸业有限公司引进世界先进滤纸生产线采用进口纯木桨和检测设备,确保美波尔滤纸出厂合格率达100%25。
- With world leading paper making technology,we produce high-quality BBRR auto filter paper and muti-use special paper.BBRR advanced filter paper world! 我公司采用美国波尔的世界领先的造纸技术;采用进口纯正木浆生产出过滤精度高;品质优良的美波尔汽车滤纸和多用途特种纸.;美波尔高级滤纸滤化世界!
- Except natural lead, we also have gold, black and white leads which are produced with color coating. 铅条除本色外还有金、黑、白等三种不同颜色,由表面镀膜制备而成。
- A leading paper, when Mr Asquith went to Birmingham, sent a wire to its local correspondent. ?(r)Never mind the prime minister. What are the suffragettes doing? 在阿斯奎斯先生到伯明翰时,某大报即电告该报当地记者:“别管首相,且看争取妇女参政权的人有何举措?
- White LED provides the perfect back-litht and economic illumination source to consumers. 白光LED不仅为制造商提供了完美的背光方案,而且为普通照明提供了经济,优质的光源。
- Solid-state white LED! will be a new generation of energy-saving light source in 21 century. 固体白光发光二极管将成为21世纪新一代的节能光源。
- With optimized color filters, less power is wasted than in white LED backlighting. 假如配合优化的颜色过滤器,那所浪费的能耗可比白光LED背光照明来得更少。
- Beniko’s uncle Moshe was a well-known Rabbi and a devoted Zionist who, in 1898 published and edited “El Avenir”, the leading paper of the Zionist national movement in Greece at the time. beniko的叔父卡察夫是一个著名的拉比和一个专门讨论犹太复国主义者,在1898年发表,并主编的"厄尔尼诺avenir ",领导文件的犹太复国主义运动的国家,在希腊举行的时间。
- UHB in the white LED for general lighting, street lighting and car park lighting will be an attractive early market. 在把UHB白色LED用于普通照明方面,街道照明与停车场照明将是一个有吸引力的早期市场。