- Lets go to watch Chinese White Dolphin! 一起出海观察中华白海豚!
- The waters around Soko Islands are important habitats for the Chinese white dolphin and Finless porpoise. 大小鸦洲邻近水域是中华白海豚与江豚的重要生境。
- The Sokos waters are also unique being the only location where the Chinese white dolphin and the Finless porpoise co-occur in local waters. 大鸦洲水域更是本地唯一有中华白海豚和江豚出没的生境。
- The Sokos waters are also unique in being the only location where the Chinese white dolphin and the Finless porpoise co-exist in local waters. 大鸦洲水域地理位置独特,是全港唯一有中华白海豚和江豚共同出没的水域。
- Although found elsewhere in Asia, the Chinese White Dolphin population found in the Estuary is probably the only remaining robust population in Asia. 虽然中华白海豚的踪迹遍及亚洲,但在珠江三角洲出没的的种群可能是亚洲境内仅馀的活跃种群。
- In addition, there are fish, the Chinese white dolphin, Acipenser sinensis, is the largest Netted, 1.5 meters wide-body, the country is only this one. 此外,还有鱼、中华白海豚、中华鲟等,最大的是网纹,体盘宽1.;5米多,全国目前仅此一尾。
- Research findings from recent surveys of the Pearl River Estuary indicate that Hong Kong and Guangdong waters share the same population of Chinese white dolphin. 根据最新的珠江三角洲研究结果显示,在香港与广东省水域出没的中华白海豚属同一种群。
- The Soko Islands are one of the prime habitats for the Chinese white dolphin and are the only area where this species co-occurs with the Finless porpoise in Hong Kong. 大鸦洲不仅是中华白海豚主要的栖息地之一,也是香港唯一有中华白海豚和江豚共同出没的水域。
- In contrast to the Indo-Pacific Hump-backed dolphin, this species is frequently seen in southern and eastern waters of Hong Kong, and is seldom sighted in north Lantau waters where the Chinese White Dolphin is found. 与中华白海豚不同,江豚常见于本港东面及南面水域,但甚少在大屿山北面中华白海豚出没的地方发现。
- In contrast to the Indo-Pacific Hump-backed dolphin,this species is frequently seen in southern and eastern waters of Hong Kong,and is seldom sighted in north Lantau waters where the Chinese White Dolphin is found. 与中华白海豚不同,江豚常见于本港东面及南面水域,但甚少在大屿山北面中华白海豚出没的地方发现。
- During the year,the marine mammals of Hong Kong have attracted special attention. This was mainly because the resident species,Indo-Pacific Hump-backed dolphin,commonly known as Chinese White Dolphin,was chosen as the mascot for Hong Kong's transition. 年内,本港的海洋哺乳类动物受特别注视,主要原因是,在本港海域栖居的印度太平洋驼背豚(俗称中华白海豚)被选定为象征香港回归的吉祥物。
- Dr Lindsay Porter, WWF Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Officer and head of dolphin research, introduces the latest Chinese white dolphin Pearl River Delta survey findings at the press conference. 世界自然基金会海豚保育主任兼海豚研究队主管布莲诗博士于记者会上讲述最新珠江三角洲中华白海豚研究结果。
- Hong Kong is a coastal city with an abundance of marine life.The waters provide a habitat for the Finless Porpoise and the Chinese White Dolphin, and are home to over 80 coral species. 香港乃中国的临海城市,海洋生态丰富,除成为江豚、中华白海豚的聚居地外,海底的珊瑚亦有八十多个品种;
- Chinese White Dolphins living in Hong Kong waters, also a mascot of Hong Kong. 生活在香港水域的中华白海豚,亦是香港的吉祥物。
- Dr. Lindsay Porter, WWF Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Officer, introduced the Chinese White Dolphins in the Hong Kong waters. 世界自然基金会海豚保护主任布莲诗博士介绍香港水域的中华白海豚。
- Chinese White Dolphin Background Information 中华白海豚背景资料
- Chinese White Dolphin Latest news 中华白海豚最新资讯
- Chinese White Dolphin News Archive 中华白海豚资讯档案
- Hong Kong is home to 180 Chinese White Dolphins, 84 coral species and almost 1,000 species of marine fish. 香港亦是180条中华白海豚84种珊瑚和近1,000种海洋鱼类的安乐窝。
- Pollution is perhaps one of the greatest risks to the Chinese White Dolphins that inhabit the area. 污染可能是在这个区域生活着的中华白鳍豚最大的威胁。