- The poor will never cease out of the land. 穷人们永不会灭绝。
- The poor will bear the brunt of the impacts. 穷人将承受气候恶化带来的冲击。
- And the poor will get hungrier - and angrier. 而低收入人群则会面临更严重的饥荒,并愈发愤怒。
- My blessing will be on her food; and her poor will be full of bread. 我要使其中的粮食丰满,使其中的穷人饱足。
- I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food. 15我要使其中的粮食丰满,使其中的穷人饱足。
- Your charity given to the poor will be repaid by their sincere gratitude. 穷人会对你的仁慈报以真挚的感激之情。
- He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses. 周济贫穷的,不至缺乏;佯为不见的,必多受咒诅。
- He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor Will also cry himself and not be answered. 塞耳不听穷人哀求的、他将来呼吁也不蒙应允。
- Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard. 那些对穷人的哭泣声充耳不闻的人有一天当他们哭泣时也无人会理会。
- The storm will blow over right away. 暴风雨很快就会平息。
- The poor will be unnecessarily burdened with additional hardships, the environment will suffer, and international conflicts over water will intensify. 穷人会不必要地增加负担,环境会受到破坏,国际间关于水的冲突也会加剧。
- The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip. 残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。
- People generally agree: The improper social gap between rich and poor will have an unfavorable impact on social stability and economic development. 人们普遍赞同:过度扩大的社会贫富差距对社会稳定与经济发展会产生不利的影响。
- Mr Kirchner gives warning that a vote for the opposition would mean that “jobs will vanish, the poor will fall back, a frightening past will return. 基什内尔警告说向反对派投票将意味着“工作岗位将会减少、贫穷将会归来、令人恐惧的过去也将再次降临。”
- The army rode with whip and spur to their rescue. 战士们快马加鞭地赶去营救他们。
- As the proverb says, "One who will risk being sliced to pieces dare unsaddle the emperor." Aman so deperately poor will go to any lengths. 俗语说,“拼着一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马”,他穷疯了的人,什么事做不出来?
- The butter churn have two paddle to whip the cream. 搅乳器有两根搅棍搅拌奶油。
- Don't whip in while others are talking. 在别人谈话时不要突然插话。
- As the proverb says,“One who will risk being sliced to pieces dare unsaddle the Emperor.”A man so desperately poor will go to any lengths. 俗语说:“拼着一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马”,他穷疯了的人,什么事做不出来?
- It makes a possibility in economy that a poor will become richness rapidly draw on his vantages, when another always try to get benefit form he. 在经济学上,一个人总是试图从他的邻居那里牟取利益,这就给了穷人凭借自己的优势迅速致富的可能。