- wheel dredge boat 斗轮式挖泥船
- On your picture the dredge pipeline to be very good, but, I just want to know how much does the dredge boat's productivity ? 人活着就像管道疏浚一样,为的就是呼吸。呼者,出一口气也;吸者,争一口气也。
- Product Including: The barge, the passenger steamer, the dredge boat, and so on the many kinds of functions ship) must disposable sell, price780,000 euros. 德国一造船厂近期倒闭,现有80多条船的完整设计(括:驳船、船、泥船、吊等多种功能船)一次性出售,价格78万欧元。有意者可直接与其联系,索取详细资料。
- Optimization of visual simulation for dredge boat 疏浚作业船视景仿真的优化
- This paper introduces a new kind of dredging boat and its three main functions. 阐述一种新研制挖泥船的三个主要功能。
- A barge or boat equipped with a dredge. 挖泥船装有挖掘机的船
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- The dredge sat in the boat basin. 挖泥船仍然停泊在小湾中。
- A boat or barge equipped with a dredge. 挖泥船装有挖掘机的船或货船
- If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up. 如果我开车时睡着了,就叫醒我。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父亲是政府里的要人。
- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡逻艇招呼我们停下。
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。
- The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea. 小船在风急雨骤的大海中颠簸。
- Why try to dredge up the sad facts of the past? 过去的伤心事何必重提呢?
- Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?