- The wheel bearings have been scraped in. 轴承勉强被安进去了。
- Life Performance of Automotive Wheel Bearing Grease, Test for (05. 机动车轮轴承润滑脂的寿命性能的试验(05。
- Wheel hub units, wheel bearing, gear, tensioner, pulley. 汽车轮毂轴承,轮毂单元,圆锥轴承,齿轮,皮带轮,涨紧轮。
- Wheel bearing called slewing ring bearings, is a comprehensive load to bear a large bearings, It can bear the larger axial load, radial load and overturning at the same time. 转盘轴承又称回转支承,是一种能够承受综合载荷的大型轴承,可以同时承受较大的轴向负荷、径向负荷和倾覆力矩。
- NLGI Service Classification System A system of letter designations to define c1ass of automotive chassis and wheel bearing greases. NLGI用途分类体系用于定义机动车底盘和车轮轴承润滑脂分类的字母代号体系。
- She has limped home on one cylinder a few times and once with a grinding wheel bearing. 她一瘸一拐主页上一个缸有几次,一旦与砂轮轴承。
- If you feel play in it or hear a clunking sound, the wheel bearings or suspension joints may be shot. 如果你感觉在它里面有活动的范围,或者听到一种沉闷的晃动声,那轮子的轴承或悬挂的万向节可能破旧不堪了。
- On RWD vehicles with solid axles, the rear wheel bearings are mounted on the axles. ), 即突然把方向盘向左或右转动,观察嗡嗡声是否会突然消失或加剧?
- In this paper, a non-disassembling detection system of the wheel bearing is introduced. 摘要介绍了一套以铁路车辆轮对轴承为对象的不解体检测系统。
- Tower forging technology design of car wheel bearing has been introduced with design of die. 介绍了轿车轮毂轴承毛坯的塔锻工艺设计及其模具设计。
- NLGI Service Classification System A system of letter designations to define class of artomotive classis and wheel bearing greases. NLGI用途分类体系用于定义机动车底盘和车轮轴承润滑脂分类的字母代号体系。
- Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
- An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- Insert a suitable screwdriver behind a wheel bearing and tap the screwdriver handle lightly to push the bearing out of the wheel (3). 用一个核实的螺丝刀插入轮子胎轴承的后侧,轻敲螺丝刀柄,将车轴推出车轮。
- Gyrover is stabilized by a spinning flywheel attached through a two-link arm at the wheel bearing, where a drive motor is mounted. 单轮机器人的驱动部件是一个旋转的飞轮。飞轮的轴承上安装有双链条的操纵器和一个驱动马达。
- The chart (right) shows wheel bearing grease and oil specifications recommended by The Timken Company for all wheel bearings. 右面的图解显示了Timken公司为所有的轮轴轴承推荐的轮轴轴承润滑脂和润滑油的规格说明。
- He bore down as he approached the finish line. 接近终点线时,他拼尽全力加速。
- Our soldiers bore away the palm in the battle. 我们的战士赢得了这场战斗。
- His wife later bore a son and a daughter. 他的妻子后来生了一男一女。
- Once a year, also have brakes and steering fully checked, wheel bearings repacked, moving chassis parts lubed, and anti-freeze replaced - a function you can do. 每年一次彻检查刹车和方向盘,拆修车轮轴承,给活动底盘部件上油,更换防冻液(此项工作自己可以做)。