- Ensures on-time shipment and delivery by whatever means necessary, including tracking, and expediting or use of other problem solving techniques. 保证准时装船交运包括跟踪及问题解决;
- take whatever means necessary to 采取一切必要手段来
- whatever means necessary 任何必要的手段
- In one way or another by whatever means. 不管用到些什幺工具
- By whatever means possible, fair or unfair. 不择手段采用任何正当或不正当的手段
- Without any training,the young dog bad devised whatever means were necessary to help,guide and protect her blind companion. 没有经过任何训练,这条年轻的狗想出各种必要的方法帮助、指引和保护它失明的伴侣。
- Without any training, the young dog bad devised whatever means were necessary to help, guide and protect her blind companion. 没有经过任何训练,这条年轻的狗想出各种必要的方法帮助、指引和保护它失明的伴侣。
- Unjust laws must be resisted through whatever means are necessary, including disobeying those same laws until they are repealed. 对于不公正的法律,人们应该以各种必要的方式进行抵制,包括违抗它直至被废止。
- Starvation means necessary, and this is a shameful thing. 饥饿就意味着需要,而这是一件不光彩的事情。
- By hook or by crook By whatever means possible, fair or unfair. 不择手段:采用任何正当或不正当的手段。
- A middle mouse button is by no means necessary to use GNOME. 一个鼠标中间键是不指定必须在使用gnome。
- A woman must use whatever means she can to become a member and get ahead. 一个女人只有不择手段才能挤进去,挤到别人的前头。
- Hector: Your advice is neither solicited, nor welcome. I will use any means necessary to achieve my revenge. 赫:你的建议既无礼,也不受欢迎。我会使用一切必要的手段来报仇。
- Appropriation or damage of state or collective property by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited. 禁止任何组织或者个人用任何手段侵占或者破坏国家的和集体的财产。
- Leadership is the only measure of worth, so it must be attained by any means necessary. 领导地位是唯一有价值的,所以它值得用一切可能的手段去争取。
- The appropriation or damage of natural resources by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited. 禁止任何组织或者个人用任何手段侵占或者破坏自然资源。
- Summarize, whatever means you use to get a hexagram, it is sure that information is from individual influence. 综上所述,不管用什麽方法起卦,资讯来自个体感应是确定无疑的。
- Setting up several sub-co-operatives under a big co-operative is an innovation, and it is by no means necessary to dissolve it. 在大社之下设几个分社,这也是一种创造,不一定去解散大社。
- Destruction of grasslands and forests by any organizations or individuals by whatever means shall be prohibited. 禁止任何组织或者个人利用任何手段破坏草原和森林。
- People who are fleeing for their lives going to take whatever means they can't get out of there. 为他们性命而出逃的人们不管怎样都意味着他们不能逃离那儿。