- western university history 西方大学史
- It all started when Graham Broad, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, found McKay's name in a footnote in a book about university history. 这一切时,格雷厄姆开始广泛,在西安大略大学教授,发现在一个脚注中关于马凯大学历史书的名字。
- The students are studying universal history. 学生们在学习世界史。
- None of the staff present and the few university history lecturers and students there knew Sun had been to Singapore. "What is the Sun Yat Sen Villa for?" they asked. 在场的工作人员与几位大学历史系的老师与学生,都不知道孙中山到过新加坡,还问“晚晴园是做什么的?”
- There are only 6 days before the centennial anniversary of Peking University.History is bringing us to the threshold of the 21st century. 还有6天就是北大的百年校庆了。历史带我们走到21世纪的门槛。
- During the trip in Canada, all the main leaders and coaches from Tianjin University of Technology made good friendships with the main leaders from the Trinity Western University. 校领导、教练员和加拿三一西部大学领导共叙友情。
- However, many families and students want to receive their baccalaureate degrees from a western university but they cannot afford the cost associated with the programs. 许多家庭和学生想去西方国家的大学获取学士学位,但他们根本无法承受高昂的费用。
- Photos shown here are the inauguration of the exhibition in the Exhibition Hall of Peking University History, attended by Wu Zhipan, vice secretary of Party committee and vice president of Peking University. 图为巡回展在北大校史陈列馆揭幕,北京大学党委副书记,副校长吴志攀参加了揭幕式。
- In 2006, supports have been granted to Melodic Ngo studying in Trinity Western University, Alen Mao and Melonie Tarn studying in the Canadian Theological Seminary (Alliance University College). 在2006年度,本堂所协助的神学生包括在圣三一大学进修的吴善韵姊妹;在宜道神学院进修的毛学隆弟兄及谭庄颂恩姊妹。
- Zhang Zhenfang is a Yi woman from Ningnan County in Liangshan Zhou.She commenced work with DORS in January 2005 after graduating from the South Western University of Nationalities in Chengdu. 张振芳出生在凉山州宁南县,毕业于西南民族大学,现在在四川农村发展组织工作。
- The project, if it takes off the ground, will be co-ordinated by the universitys history department. 当此计划落实后,将由岭大历史学系负责统筹。
- "A person thus prepared will be able to refer any particular history he takes up to its proper place in universal history" (Joseph Priestley). “经过这种准备的人,可以在历史长河中,归属于任何他从事合适位置的特定历史阶段” (约瑟夫·普利斯特莱)。
- During the early 300's, Eusebius, the bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, produced the most important universal history of that type. 在四世纪早期,时任巴勒斯坦恺撒利亚主教的优西比乌斯写了此类著作中最重要的一部。
- Secular scholars gradually came to outnumber missionaries, and in the 20th century Sinology slowly gained a substantial presence in Western universities. 在此领域,教会外学者的人数逐渐超过了传教士。到了20世纪,汉学逐步在西方大学取得了更重要的地位。
- Certainly there is matter here for many large volumes,and often the universal history of humanity in the successive engrafting of many arts at many levels,upon the same monument. 诚然,多种不同的艺术以多种不同的高度先后焊接在同一建筑物上面,其中必有许多材料可供写出一部部巨著,甚至往往可供写出人类的通史。
- Institutional autonomy of western universities is safeguarded by collegiality and rationality which form a markedly different academic culture from the Chinese universities. 西方大学的学术自治是以学术团体的力量和理性精神来保证的,形成了与中国大学截然不同的学术文化。
- The GAC is also known as a foundation studies program designed for individuals with English as a second language which prepares you for the future study in western universities. 全球评估证书课程(GAC)被看作专门为以英语为第二语言、准备进入海外大学成功学习的学生而设计的基础学习课程。
- information of university history 校史陈列馆
- western university newly founded 西部新建本科院校
- Western university of ethnic minority area 西部民族高校