- Cold air and a warm and wet air current will affect most regions in Central and East China starting January 19, bringing rain or snow, the National Meteorological Center forecast. 据中央气象台预报,19日起,受冷空气和暖湿气流的共同影响,我国中东部大部地区将出现较大范围雨雪天气。
- the power grids in central and east China 华中和华东电网
- A Macro-analysis of Scopes and Categories of Running Higher Educational Institutions in West, Central and East China 我国东、中、西部高等教育办学类型及其规模宏观分析
- west, central and east China 华西、华中和华东
- However,owing to the uneven development of regional economies,the central and west regions,particularly the latter, now,in general,lag behind the coastal areas in east China. 但由于以往地域经济发展不平衡,中西部地区特别是西部地区,相对落后于中国东部沿海地区。
- However, owing to the uneven development of regional economies, the central and west regions, particularly the latter, now, in general, lag behind the coastal areas in east China. 但由于以往地域经济发展不平衡,中西部地区特别是西部地区,相对落后于中国东部沿海地区。
- The military man oeuvre carried by PLA in the South and East China Sea 5. 四、中国人民解放军在东海、南海海域进行的军事演习;
- Comparison on Aerosol Properties Between Central and East China and Indian Subcontinent by Using MODIS Products 利用MODIS卫星资料对中国中东部和印度次大陆气溶胶特性的分析
- LGV is common in Central and South America, West and East Africa, and South East Asia. 尽管在一些国家的港口城市有所发现,但是在其他地方罕见。
- central and east China 华中和华东
- As a consequence of illegal ivory poaching, elephant numbers are dwindling in many west, central and east African countries. 象牙非法偷猎导致西非、中非和东非很多国家非洲象数量下降。
- One dilemma of narrowing the differences between west China and east China is the contradiction between economic development and cultural heritance. 摘要缩小东西部差距的一个两难处境是经济发展和文化传承的矛盾。
- Abstract: The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China. 内容提要 市场机制的缺陷和财税政策的偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和税负逆向运行,中西部地区承受着税负剪刀差。
- The main forces of the Central Plains, Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan and East China Field Armies that were operating in the area of the Central Plains stood like the three legs of a tripod. 中原三足鼎立。
- Consequently, we could not quicken the speed of economic development of the central China and shorten the gap between the central and east unless innovation on institution was taken. 因此,只有进行一系列制度创新,建立适应于市场经济的制度基础,才能加快中部地区的经济发展,缩小其与东部地区的差距。
- Bactrian camels live not in shifting Sahara sands but in Central and East Asia's rocky deserts. 双峰驼并不生活在狡猾的撒哈拉沙漠,而是生活在中亚和东亚的岩漠中。
- Economically developed North China, South China and East China have seen more readers, most of whom are concentrated in central cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. 华北、华南、华东等地区经济较为发达的城市读者众多,并主要集中在北京、上海、深圳、广州等中心城市。
- This project, with Dinghai seashore strip as its center, extends to southern islands and East China Sea Farm. 项目以定海滨港带为核心,向南部列列岛、东海农场等区域辐射。
- Frequently , sands of active dune in northwest desert areas have weak influence on North China and East China. 因此西北沙漠地区活动沙丘沙对华北或华东地区影响相对较小。
- The Rushan-type and Tongling-type gold deposits are typical gold de posits in the central and east part of Rushan, Shandong. 山东乳山中东部地区金矿类型主要为乳山式和铜岭式。