- The whole building went up in flames. 整座建筑物在大火中焚毁。
- The whole house went up in smoke in less than an hour. 整座房子不到一个小时就烧光了。
- The barn full of hay went up in smoke. 堆满干草的粮仓烧毁了。
- Our show has gone up in the ratings. 我们节目的收视率提高了。
- went up in smikev. 被烧光(化为乌有)
- Everything went up in the budget except pensions. 预算中样样都增加了,只有养老金例外。
- A gale of laughter went up in the saloon. 酒馆里哄堂大笑起来。
- Twenty guys went up in the elevator. 有二十人乘电梯上了楼。
- Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke. 数以百计的珍贵图书化为了灰烬。
- go up in smikevi. 被烧光(化为乌有)
- The tall building went up in flames. 这座大楼在熊熊烈火中烧毁了。
- The whole house went up in smoke. 整座房子被烧毁了。
- There was a whoosh as everything went up in flames. 在火焰中什么东西都呼呼地往上窜。
- The gas tank was hit and went up in flames. 油库中弹起火被烧毁了。
- How many English courses do you go up in one week? 你们一星期上几节英语课?
- A cheer went up in the auditorium. 礼堂里响起了一阵欢呼声。
- What a pity! Everything went up in smoke. 真可惜!一切都灰飞烟灭了。
- The whole building went up in smoke. 整座大楼化成一片灰烬。
- Can we go up in the attic and look at the books? 我们可以到阁楼上去翻一翻那些书么?
- gone up in smikev. 被烧光(化为乌有)