- Today than yesterday live well namely hope! 今天过得比昨天好就是希望!
- A better name for the disease might be steatorrhea. 此病的较好名称可能是脂肪
- We are calling these beings "demons" for want of a better name. 我们暂且把这些生物叫做“恶魔”,因为一时找不到一个适当的名字。
- To create a better name space design, such as, splitting the internal and external name spaces. 要创建好名称空间设计,如,拆分内部和外部名称空间。
- No, not really. With our new distributor, we have a better name in Finland nowadays but it's still very small. 不太有名,我们换了新的发行商后,最近以来在芬兰的名气有稍稍打开,但还是很小。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- He is a good leader in deed as well as in name. 他是一位名副其实的好领袖。
- This is not only the best name in the long history of eschatology, it's the only name that should ever be used. 这不仅是最符合末世论发展史的名字,也是唯一应该用来指代末世论的名字。
- The third type of composer I can only call, for lack of a better name, the traditionalist type. 我才能呼叫,对于较好的名字的缺乏的作曲家的第三个类型,传统主义者类型。
- But“ disease detectives” might be the better name Epidemiologists chase down diseases that endanger large groups of people. 在香港的医学专家一天工作17个小时来研究沙士的起因和传播途经。
- At the age of four and twenty, in '93, being then M. de Chartres, he had witnessed, from the depth of a box, the trial of Louis XVI., so well named that poor tyrant. 在瑞士,这个法国最富饶的亲王采地的承袭者曾卖掉一匹老马来填饱肚子。
- There was a better name, a Latin name, for it;it was also called ACCIDIE, and it meant intellectual and spiritual torpor, indifference, and lethargy. 拉丁语中有一个更好的名字,ACCIDIE,(倦怠),意思是智力和精神上的迟钝、漠然和了无生气。
- The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well. 你没把面包包好,它变干了。
- Undignified, Mitt Romney called the mini-movie creation of two unemployed Minneapolis brothers.But a better name might be "democracy. 对于由两位失业的阿波利斯兄弟创作出来的迷你电影,罗曼尼称为“不体面的”。
- "What better name for a baby you've waited so long for than gift?" said Murray of Nahla, 41-year-old Berry's first child. 如今,很多父母在给孩子取名时不再想用家族成员的名字或男女通用名,而是希望孩子的名字能够与众不同。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- Sometimes, its business school, Wharton, has better name recognition. Wharton is the oldest business school in the US, consistently ranked top three in the country. 她的华顿商学院可能名气比整个学校都响。华顿是最古老的商学院,一直在美国排前三名。
- The sideshows will fetch in the people as well. 幕间穿插的表演同样可以招徕看客。
- Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days. 我们公司目前情况相当不错。