- Well Log Datum Velocity Correction. 井曲线基准面校正。
- Well Log Depth to Time Conversion. 井曲线深时转换。
- A portion of a typical well log is shown below. 下面是典型测井曲线的一部分。
- EMERGE is a program that analyzes well log and seismic data. EMERGE是一个分析测井曲线和地震资料的程序.
- The stratigraphic structure can be learned according to electric well logs. 摘要根据电测井曲线可以了解地层构造。
- Application of CPLD in Well Logging Tool. CPLD在测井仪器中的应用
- Well logs: The measurement versus depth or time, or both, of one or more physical quantities in or around a well. 测井:比照深度或时间或比照两者,对井内或井眼周围的物理量进行的一种或多种测量。
- PICKETT method is mainly based on cross-plot of deep laterolog and porosity from well logs and core data. PICKETT法可用于储层评价,主要是根据测井资料和岩心资料建立深探测电阻率与孔隙度的交会图。
- However, some reservoir parameters and well logs only have fractal character called fractional Gaussian noise (FGN). 迄今为止 ,没有人对此做出明确解释。
- The output of the NMR instrument is a well log, which records processed data as a function of depth. 核磁共振仪器输出的是测井曲线,它以深度为函数来记录处理的数据。
- Engineers, and technologists involved in seismic or well log correlation, interpretation, and prospect generation. 地质师,地球物理学家,工程师和参加地震或测井对比、解释以及构想远景的技师。
- Each panel of this well log represents different types of measurements taken by downhole tools. 图表的每一板块均代表井下工具所做的不同类型的测量。
- Currently I am mainly working on a Petrophysics Interpretation Application and I found there are so many interesting things hiding in the well logs. 目前,我的主要工作领域是岩石学的解释应用,我发现在钻井日志中隐藏着许多有趣的事情。
- I finished my MS degree in the summer of 1996, and oddly enough, while there I took a course in well log analysis. 我于1996年夏天取得理学硕士学位,在攻读期间,我鬼使神差地上了测井曲线分析课程。
- Thie paper introduces a well log automated identification of rock boundaries method based on Walsh transform . 介绍了一种利用沃希(Walsh)变换实现测井曲线计算机自动分层方法。
- Van J C,Wagoner R M. Mitchum, Siliciclastic Sequence stratigraphy in Well logs and outcrops AAPG Special publications[M], Tulsa,U.S.A., 1990. 郭熙年,李万程,唐仲林,等.河南省晚古生代聚煤规律[M].北京:中国地质大学出版社,1991
- This article mainly referred to recognize and evaluate the lithology with well logs and numerable logplots.The methods had been built and will be used. 用多种交会图法定量识别火山岩岩性方面开展了研究工作,总结出适合本地区特点的、可操作性强的火山岩岩性识别测井评价方法。
- S.J.Pirson,Geologic well log Analysis,Gulf Publishing Company Houston,Texas,1970. 李淑贞“砂岩油藏原始流体饱和度变化规律研究”,石油部石油勘探开发研究院,1986年3月
- Aim To analyze the interlayer of the underwater distributary channel using the well log curve. 目的利用测井曲线资料识别水下分流河道砂体中的夹层。
- By virtue of geosta-tistics, well logs and 3-D seismic data can be inte-grated within reservoir research, enhancing interpre-tation accuracy. 采用地质统计分析,结合井孔资料,对三维地震资料进行油气藏储层构造和岩性的定量解释,可以提高预测的精确性和可靠性。