- Well Log Datum Velocity Correction. 井曲线基准面校正。
- Well Log Depth to Time Conversion. 井曲线深时转换。
- A portion of a typical well log is shown below. 下面是典型测井曲线的一部分。
- EMERGE is a program that analyzes well log and seismic data. EMERGE是一个分析测井曲线和地震资料的程序.
- Application of CPLD in Well Logging Tool. CPLD在测井仪器中的应用
- The output of the NMR instrument is a well log, which records processed data as a function of depth. 核磁共振仪器输出的是测井曲线,它以深度为函数来记录处理的数据。
- Engineers, and technologists involved in seismic or well log correlation, interpretation, and prospect generation. 地质师,地球物理学家,工程师和参加地震或测井对比、解释以及构想远景的技师。
- Each panel of this well log represents different types of measurements taken by downhole tools. 图表的每一板块均代表井下工具所做的不同类型的测量。
- I finished my MS degree in the summer of 1996, and oddly enough, while there I took a course in well log analysis. 我于1996年夏天取得理学硕士学位,在攻读期间,我鬼使神差地上了测井曲线分析课程。
- Thie paper introduces a well log automated identification of rock boundaries method based on Walsh transform . 介绍了一种利用沃希(Walsh)变换实现测井曲线计算机自动分层方法。
- S.J.Pirson,Geologic well log Analysis,Gulf Publishing Company Houston,Texas,1970. 李淑贞“砂岩油藏原始流体饱和度变化规律研究”,石油部石油勘探开发研究院,1986年3月
- Aim To analyze the interlayer of the underwater distributary channel using the well log curve. 目的利用测井曲线资料识别水下分流河道砂体中的夹层。
- The precise simulations of imager are the basis of optimization design and well log interpretation. 对测井仪器响应的精确模拟,可以为此类仪器的优化设计和资料解释提供依据。
- Using conventional well log data to calculate the conductance can be able to well recognize the reservoir type. 结合塔河油田的实际情况,提出了用导电效率识别碳酸盐岩储集层类型的方法和标准。
- Problem sets provide hands-on experience in interpreting subsurface structures using surface, seismic, outcrop, and well log data. 成组的问题提供利用地表、地震和测井资料解释和证实地下构造的实践练习。
- R-cluster analysis is applied to select fracture indexes of conventional well log and FMI log and to optimize the collection of fracture indexes. 在研究中,提取密度中子孔隙度差异指标和FMI测井裂缝参数指标,并采用R型聚类分析,对常规测井裂缝指标和FMI测井裂缝参数指标进行优化,形成了优化的裂缝指标集;
- The well log responses of the FMI obtained in the carbonate reservoir was analyzed the various applications of the FMI log data. 微电阻率成像(FMI)测井资料能够描述地下岩层的沉积特徵,因此,可以依据碳酸盐岩地层的FMI测井回应特徵,对碳酸盐岩储层进行评价。
- Proper analysis of petrophysical parameter sensitivity from well log data can greatly improve the ability to discriminate hydrocarbon-bearing rocks. 利用测井资料所获得的基本参数进行岩石物理参数敏感性分析,可以较大提高含烃岩石的识别能力。
- The seismo-electric effect is also observed in outdoor experiments.The work is a base for the deep research of this field in oil well log. 通过室外实验,也已经测量到可信的震电效应信号,从而为石油测井继续研究提供了实验数据。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。