- Construction and Administration of Well Irrigation Engineering 井灌工程建设与管理的探讨
- well irrigation engineering 井灌工程
- Water drafted from the well irrigates the field. 从井中抽出来的水用于灌溉田地。
- The optimized and restructuring course content included foundation theory of irrigation and drainage, irrigation engineering and drainage engineering. 优化和重构后的教学内容主要由灌排基础、灌溉工程和排水工程三部分组成。
- Optimization Technology of the Well Irrigation Project of Irrigated Area in. 宁夏银北灌区工程优化配套技术。
- Pump Drainage and Irrigation Engineering 机电排灌工程
- countryside irrigation engineering 农村灌溉工程
- shaft well irrigation and drainage 竖井灌排
- technique of water-saving irrigation engineering 节水灌溉工程技术
- the area of well irrigation rice 井灌稻区
- Multi-function irrigation engineering 多功能灌溉工程
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- Jhihping territory from west to east through the river, there are Jingning, irrigation and drainagetong wei unity saddle gate gorge water storage, better irrigation. 境内治平河由西向东贯通,有静宁、通渭团结渠灌溉工程和鞍子山峡拦河闸蓄水工程,灌溉条件较好。
- drainage and irrigation engineering 排灌工程
- combination of canal irrigation and well irrigation 井渠
- North China Plain well irrigation district 华北井灌区
- The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well. 你没把面包包好,它变干了。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- To achieve the best irrigation system, the ES can try several pipe planning schemes for each irrigation system, and select the best one as the final scheme, thus the optimization is accomplished. 另外,为获得最优的灌溉系统,本专家系统对每个灌溉系统均考虑了多种管道布置方案,可进行多种方案的优选,实现了优中选优。