- Popular consent for liberalisation was bought with promises of solidarity in the form of welfare safety nets at the national level, and hefty flows of aid from rich to poor countries at the EU level. 普遍的共识是,从民族的层面来看,自由化同社会保障体系相一致;从欧盟的层面来看,自由化应该是使大量的援助赠款从富国流向穷国。
- If I lose my job, I've got no safety net. 我丢掉这份工作就无计可施了。
- welfare safety net 福利安全网
- If I lose my job,I've got no safety net. 我丢掉这份工作就无计可施了。
- The de-collectivisation of the countryside and the dismantling of welfare provision in city factories has removed the safety net which most Chinese once enjoyed. 乡村的“去集体化”和城市工厂里面福利体系的解散使得人们失去了他们曾经享有的安全网。
- The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life. 安全网是日常生活中经常用到的一个比喻。
- For them, retraining and an adequate social safety net are needed. 他们需要再培训和足够的社保。”
- Set the safety net under the gangway (or at the gangway). 译文:在登船梯下面设置安全网。
- The Vice President has no such safety nets. 副总统可没有这种保护网。
- Many of our software development processes provide very little of a safety net. 许多软件开发过程几乎不提供安全网。
- One with no AWD safety net is something only a few should attempt to play with. 没有全时四轮驱动系统的一个安全网,是只有少数几个应努力发挥.
- It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour. 它引发了道德风险:即这样一个表露无遗的安全网助长了冒险行为的发生。
- Since big families are often seen as safety nets for illness and old age, improving poor people's access to insurance, pensions and welfare institutions also has a major impact. 由于大家庭经常被认为是年老生病的安全网,让穷人近一步获得保险、退休金和福利机构的帮助也会在控制人口生育上起重大作用。
- Our objective in operating the CSSA is to direct valuable resources to provide people in real need with a safety net. 我们的目标,是把宝贵的资源用来帮助真真正正有需要的人。
- Lower the starboard / port gangway, secure guardrail and fix the safety net under the gangway. 放下右/左舷硬梯,固定好扶手栏杆和舷梯下的安全网。
- It is said that this acts as a safety net for students who do well in all subjects except Chinese. 据了解,是当局为其他成绩很好,但汉语“有问题”的学生所设的,有如一道“安全网”。
- Certainly processes serve no other purpose than to give us the feeling of control: a false safety net. 的确,除了给我们控制的感觉,过程再无其它用途,它是一张虚假的安全网。
- Does this mean that you can throw out your software development process and develop, truly, without a safety net? 这是不是意味着您可以抛掉软件开发过程并真的在没有安全网的支持下开发呢?
- The Recycle Bin provides a safety net when deleting documents, list items, lists, folders and files. 回收站为删除文档、列表项、列表、文件夹和文件提供了一个安全网。
- Her letter showed deep solicitude for your welfare. 她的来信表示对您的安康甚为挂念。