- welded joint test specimen 焊接试样
- Is a wedge test specimen utilized for chill or analysis control? 是否用楔型试块进行分析控制?
- In order to ensure the use safety of pressure container, we must test the welded joint angularity and stagger joint. 为了保证压力容器的使用安全,必须检测焊接棱角度和错边量。
- Metallographic analysis,tension test,fatigue test and SEM analysis were conducted on the TA15 titanium alloy welded joint. 对TA15钛合金板材电子束焊接试样进行了金相分析和静力试验、疲劳试验和扫描电镜(SEM)分析。
- In this article tensile test,bending test and microhardness test were conducted on the laser welded joint of the steel sheet for automobile use. 对汽车用薄板的激光焊接接头进行了拉伸试验、弯曲试验及显微硬度分析等。
- Distribution of Mg in melt pool and its effects on mechanical properties of welded joint were investigated by EDX analysis, microhardness test and tensile properties test. 通过对焊缝的能谱分析、显微硬度试验和拉伸性能试验,研究了Mg元素烧损后在熔池内的分布规律及对焊后力学性能的影响。
- The stress corrosion cracking(SCC)behavior of X70 steel welded joint was investigated in a near-neutral pH solution by fluctuant slow strain rate test(F-SSRT). 研究了波动频率对X70管线钢焊接接头在阴极电位下的近中性介质中慢应变速率应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)行为。
- The finite element model of a small punch test specimen of 1Cr0.5Mo steel is established. 基于小冲孔蠕变试验 ;建立 1Cr0 .;5Mo耐热钢小冲孔蠕变试样的有限元模型。
- The spectr al reflectance of each test specimen is measured in situ before and after exp osures. 在辐照前后对每一个试样的光谱反射系数进行了原位测量。
- The fatigue crack growth rate has been investigated for SS400 and its welded joint based on the ASTM E647-83 specification. In the test the compact tension (CT) specimens were used. 笔者参照美国材料试验学会标准ASTME647 83的规定,采用紧凑拉伸CT试件对SS400钢及其焊接接头CT试件的疲劳裂纹扩展速率进行了测试。
- The test specimen shall be immersed in the measuring electrolyte so that the top edge of the area to be measured is level with the surface. 测试样本应浸在电解液中,并使测量区的顶端与液面持平。
- The existence of residual stress and brace plate in a fillet welded joint has obvious effects on CADC and fatigue life. 残余应力及角接接头中支板的存在对裂纹形态发展曲线和疲劳寿命有明显的影响
- The test specimen may be titrated with the Reagent directly, or the analysis may be carried out by a residual titration procedure. 待测样品可能会被卡尔试剂直接滴定,或者采用回滴定法完成分析。
- Fig.6 The effect of heat input on the UTS of the TIG welded joints. 图6线能量与钨极氩弧焊焊接接头极限抗拉强度的关系。
- Although only then several millimeters are long, but each test specimen includes several thousands has not grown the complete egg. 虽然只有几毫米长,但每个试样含有数千未发育完全卵子。
- Properties of pearlitic steel and austenitic stainless steel compound pipes TIG welded joint are studied in this paper. 研究了珠光体钢和奥氏体不锈钢复合管钨极氩弧焊(TIG)接头的性能。
- Report the viscometer model and spindle, the apparent viscosity at the spindle/speed used, and the test specimen temperature. 记录粘度和锭子,外观的粘度在锭子/和使用的速度,还有测试样品的温度。
- Preliminary research on fatigue growth behavior of the steel 980 welded joint under spectrum loading had been done. 对980钢焊接接头在谱载荷作用下的疲劳裂纹扩展行为进行了初步研究。
- The distribution of residual stress of weld joints is analyzed. 并分析了焊接接头残余应力的分布规律。
- The measuring objectives are selected software controlled in dependence of the test specimen parameters, must be inserted however manually into the mount. 由软件选择样品被测参数,被测物必须用手装入装配台。